Michael Rienstra

Results 45 issues of Michael Rienstra

1. Add a `32:9` (356:100) ultrawide resolution of `5120x1440`. 2. Add the following 3 `21:9` (233:100) ultrawide resolutions: * `5120x2160` (technically 237:100) * `3840x1600` (technically 240:100) * `3440x1440` (technically 239:100)...

Would be nice if this also patched over missing `inert` attribute! https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/17157 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/inert Thoughts?

Proposal: mark `@esbuild-plugins/node-modules-polyfill` & `@esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill` as deprecated both in the README and in the npm registry ([docs](https://docs.npmjs.com/deprecating-and-undeprecating-packages-or-package-versions)). Rational: 1. They are already listed as "out of date" in the README...

As raised in #306, some of this extension's default shortcuts clash with YouTube's spherical video shortcuts. #350 added the ability (hidden behind "Show Experimental Features") to "Disable website key bindings",...

Would be nice if list of tags shown on the `/tags` page could be re-ordered, and if the default order was displayed. I would imagine that the average user would...

Could be nice to have the option to dig deeper than: * top 25: most downloaded * 10 days: new * top 10: trending * 10 days: updates

Not sure how you're getting the data to compute trending z-score, but presumably it could also be used to do some of the following, which could be useful: 1. Graph...

Given that this repo is not being maintained, and given that StackBlitz supports Astro, time to deprecate + archive? As per https://discord.com/channels/830184174198718474/1030567593637064869/1032686184612245504 `nate (he/him)` said: >I'm not sure if we...

Looking at commit history, seems like only the initial commit was hard wrapped (to 80 chars), all subsequent changes have moved README.md away from hard wrapping. Search: `(.)\n([^\n-])` Replace: `$1...

I've put together some resources to assist those migrating from Yarn to pnpm. I'm not sure if they fit into the docs in any way, but thought I'd put them...