Root-Bootstrap-4-Admin-Template-with-AngularJS-Angular-2-support icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Root is Boostrap 4 Admin Template with Angular 2 and AngularJS support

Results 5 Root-Bootstrap-4-Admin-Template-with-AngularJS-Angular-2-support issues
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I've just starting using the react version (also trying to change more of it to reactstrap components) Anyway, I've ran into a strange bug that I don't believe is technically...

While looking at the demo, I saw that there was a layout problem with the menu ![image]( 78b9265612cb.png)

Hi, Since the last version (1.7.1), the modals does not works with the HTML version. See in action :

Hi, There are some problems with the Datatable plugin in the bootstrap4-ajax and bootstrap4-static version of Root version. You can see the problem here :