less-than-slash copied to clipboard
Atom.io package for closing open tags when `</` is typed, like in Sublime Text 3.
 This happens repeatedly... I searched the entire file and couldn't find any open `` tags ... I'm baffled as to how this plugin chooses which tag to close. It...
[Enter steps to reproduce below:] 1. ... 2. ... **Atom Version**: 1.9.6 **System**: Mac OS X 10.11.6 **Thrown From**: [less-than-slash](https://github.com/mrhanlon/less-than-slash) package, v0.16.0 ### Stack Trace Uncaught TypeError: parser.parse is not...
Many modern web frameworks disambiguate their own custom tags from native html tags by capitalising the name of the tag. For example, I am using React and [Next.js](https://github.com/zeit/next.js), which exposes...
In jsx you can use the spread property syntax `{...object}` in place of a property-value pair in a tag. less-than-slash was skipping any tags that had this. This adds support...
Hi it just so happens I am using this on a very big HTML file (almost 10,000 lines). When I type ```
In `package.json` you can specify `activationHooks`, an array of events that will trigger the activation of the package. When you specify activationHooks, your package no longer activates on boot, but...
This comes out of #20. Investigate making tag patterns/parsers user-configurable.