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Extended DrawText function with html and bbcode support


Extended DrawText function with html and bbcode support

Adapted from DrawHTML code posted by Ukkie9: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/7936/DrawHTML

Setup DrawTextEXT

  • Download the latest version of the DrawTextEXT release and extract the files. The latest release can be found in the releases folder, or can be downloaded directly from here.
  • Copy the DrawTextEXT.inc file to your project's folder
  • Copy the DrawTextEXT.asm file to your project's folder
  • Add the following to your project: include DrawTextEXT.asm
  • Call the DrawHTMLCODE or DrawBBCODE function in your code, preferably in a control's WM_PAINT event.

DrawTextEXT Supported Tags


The DrawHTMLCODE function supports the following html tags, enclosed in angle brackets <> for starting tags and </> for ending tags:

  • <b> </b>, <strong> </strong> for bolding text
  • <i> </i>, <em> </em> for italic text
  • <u> </u> for underlined text
  • <sub> </sub> for subscript
  • <sup> </sup> for superscript
  • <pre> </pre>, <code> </code> for preformatted text
  • <br> for line breaks
  • <p> for paragraph breaks
  • <font color='#RRGGBB'> </font> for color of text using a hex string
  • <color='#RRGGBB'> </color> for color of text using a hex string
  • <q> </q>, <quote> </quote>, <blockq> </blockq> for block quotes
  • <ul> </ul> for unordered lists with bullets
  • <ol> </ol> for ordered lists with numbers
  • <li> </li> for list items within a list
  • <hr> </hr> for horizontal rule
  • <a href='url'>title</a> for hyperlinks having a url and title

Note: Strings that include byte sequences of 13,10 (0D,0Ah) known as CRLF or 10 (0Ah) known as LF, ARE IGNORED. Use the <br> or <p> if you wish to break to a new line.

<a> tag supports internal ids if prefixed with a #, for example:

Click on this <a href="#1010">link</a> to show a message box

The url title text is shown as 'link' and the id as #1010. When the url is clicked, the id will be converted to an integer (1010) and send to the parent window via the WM_COMMAND message with the id integer stored in the high word of wParam


The DrawBBCODE function supports the following bbcode tags, enclosed in square brackets [] for starting tags and [/] for ending tags:

  • [b] [/b], <strong> </strong> for bolding text
  • [i] [/i] for italic text
  • [u] [/u] for underlined text
  • [code] [/code] for preformatted text
  • [color=#RRGGBB] [/color] for color of text using a hex string
  • [q] [/q], [quote] [/quote] for block quotes *
  • [ul] [/ul] for unordered lists with bullets
  • [ol] [/ol] for ordered lists with numbers
  • [li] [/li] or [*] for list items within a list
  • [url] [/url] for hyperlinks having a url and title

*Experimental/Not Complete

Note: There is no bbcode for line breaks or paragraph. Strings that include byte sequences of 13,10 (0D,0Ah) known as CRLF or 10 (0Ah) known as LF, are automatically processed to break to a new line.

[url] tag supports internal ids if prefixed with a #, for example:

Click on this [url=#1010]link[/url] to show a message box

The url title text is shown as 'link' and the id as #1010. When the url is clicked, the id will be converted to an integer (1010) and send to the parent window via the WM_COMMAND message with the id integer stored in the high word of wParam

DrawTextEXT Demo

A RadASM example project is included to demonstrate the DrawHTMLCODE function. It can be found in the releases folder, or can be downloaded directly from here.

Additional Resources

If you like this project and would like to support me, consider buying me a coffee: buymeacoffee.com/mrfearless