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Set of executable interceptors to add features to Maven including output colorization, always offline, and a YAML POM.

Results 8 maven-trap issues
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Bumps [junit]( from 3.8.2 to 4.13.1. Release notes Sourced from junit's releases. JUnit 4.13.1 Please refer to the release notes for details. JUnit 4.13 Please refer to the release notes...


Hello, I have change something : - SKIPPED is now in blue - SUCCESS in green - BUILD SUCCESS too I remove warnings in maven build and errors on childs...

repro steps: 1. use latest maven (3.0.4) 2. rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/twdata 3. mvn clean install

I did not succedded to make it work in cygwin. I understood that it prints decorated characters. Which package or configuration does i need ?

Is it possible to implement this at project level and not touching the maven installation?

Is it possible to implement this at project level and not touching the maven installation?

detected in maven-trap-0.6-SNAPSHOT "Failed tests" is in red but "Tests in error" remain black This have a kind of effect to hide the tests in error when you have both...

I've installed maven-trap-0.5 in maven-2.1.0 , every things was fine and I enjoyed features a lot ! Now for some reasons(eg. AppFuse2.1) I have to use maven-2.2.1 , I've tried...