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ARM-based operating system - fork of http://github.com/mrd/puppy
Beginnings of a barebones application or operating system using the Beagle Board (OMAP3) or Panda Board (OMAP4).
To generate a U-boot image (.uimg) file:
To assemble a NAND flash image and test it with QEMU/Meego:
make test
There are also 'clean' and 'distclean' targets available.
Besides the 'make test' target above, take a look at the 'boot.sh' script. It can be used to load the U-boot image over the serial port onto a Beagle Board.
For example:
Plug in and power on a Beagle Board with a serial cable to /dev/ttyS0
Run 'make && sh boot.sh'
Expected output:
Output: Die ID # Match Found. Operation completed! Output: loadb 82000000 115200
Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x82000000 at 115200 bps...
Match Found. Operation completed! Downloading file: 100.000% completed (244/244 bytes) File Download completed Output: bootm 82000000
Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 82000000 ...
Image Name: Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 180 Bytes = 0.2 kB Load Address: 80008000 Entry Point: 80008000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Loading Kernel Image ... OK
Starting kernel ...
Hello world! Match Found. Operation completed!
Alternative direct USB boot for Panda Board:
- Build kernel using 'make'
- Hook up Panda Board to USB port using its OTG port
- Open Minicom in another window
- Run: ./usbboot direct-aboot.bin terrier.bin
Alternative alternative USB+serial boot:
- Open Minicom in another Window
- Run: ./usbboot u-boot/OMAP4460/u-boot.bin
- Bring up U-boot prompt in Minicom
- Quit Minicom without Reset (C-a q)
- Run: sh boot.sh
By default, the Makefile uses the CodeSourcery arm-none-linux-gnueabi (GNU/Linux) tool-chain. You can also use arm-none-eabi if you want.
The GNU/Linux TAR contains the necessary files. Just unpack it and put the 'bin' directory in your path. There are also projects out there, such as EmDebian, with these tools packaged for your distribution.
usbboot and direct-aboot.bin are compiled from omap4boot: