vuex-typex copied to clipboard
Typescript builder for strongly-typed access to Vuex Store modules
A TypeScript pattern for strongly-typed access to Vuex Store modules
I really like vuex-typescript by @istrib
I just wanted to take the ideas bit further.
My main changes are:
- Avoid passing $store/context to the accessor methods: we can encapsulate these within the accessors by providing the store later:
should be sufficient. - No need to distinguish between payload / payload-less versions of commit + dispatch. Typescript overloads solve this problem.
- Promises returned from dispatch should be strongly-typed.
- Assumes namespaced modules
I also took the point of view that we don't need to start with a vuex-store options object. If we treat the accessor-creator as a builder, then the store can be generated:
import { getStoreBuilder, BareActionContext } from "vuex-typex"
import Vuex, { Store } from "vuex"
import Vue from "vue"
const delay = (duration: number) => new Promise((c, e) => setTimeout(c, duration))
export interface RootState { basket: BasketState }
export interface BasketState { items: Item[] }
export interface Item { id: string, name: string }
const storeBuilder = getStoreBuilder<RootState>()
const moduleBuilder = storeBuilder.module<BasketState>("basket", { items: [] })
namespace basket
const appendItemMutation = (state: BasketState, payload: { item: Item }) => state.items.push(payload.item)
const delayedAppendAction = async (context: BareActionContext<BasketState, RootState>) =>
await delay(1000)
basket.commitAppendItem({ item: { id: "abc123", name: "ABC Item" } })
export const commitAppendItem = moduleBuilder.commit(appendItemMutation)
export const dispatchDelayedAppend = moduleBuilder.dispatch(delayedAppendAction)
export default basket
/// in the main app file
const storeBuilder = getStoreBuilder<RootState>()
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: "....",
store: storeBuilder.vuexStore()