afl-cov copied to clipboard
Non-zero exit status '1' for CMD: /usr/bin/readelf -a cat
From your README, to run the program that need AFL_FILE as stdin:
$ cd /path/to/project-gcov/
$ afl-cov -d /path/to/afl-fuzz-output/ --live --coverage-cmd \
"cat AFL_FILE | LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib/.libs ./bin/.libs/somebin -a -b -c" \
--code-dir .
but this code will treat the first word cat
as the exec part, leading to error message:
Non-zero exit status '1' for CMD: /usr/bin/readelf -a cat
I would recommend change the README to:
afl-cov -d /path/to/afl-fuzz-output/ --live --coverage-cmd \
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib/.libs ./bin/.libs/somebin -a -b -c < AFL_FILE " \
--code-dir .
or change the code to add a parameter for specifing the exec part.