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Implementation of the Raft protocol in OCaml
Raft Protocol
This repo implements the Raft consensus protocol in a functional way using the OCaml language.
The library solely implements the pure logical part of the protocol. It is agnostic of the transport mechanism, server identification and payload (ie log data) format.
Project structure
All the types involved in the RAFT protocoal are defined in the protobuf format (see raft.proto). ocaml-protoc compiler is then used to generate the equivalent types in OCaml as well as serialization functions.
Helper Functions
The module Raft_helper provides convenience routines to manipulate the generated types.
Protocol Logic
The protocol logic is implemented in the Raft_logic module. The protcol implementation is divided into 2 subsections for each of the 2 request/response of the protocol:
- Request Vote : For leader election
- Append log entry: For state replication
Each subsection implements the following logic:
Make Request
This function creates a request value given the current state of the server and optionally which server the request is sent to.
Handle Request
This function computes the effect of the received request to the server state. The implementaiton being functional, a new state is returned.
Handle Response
This function computes the effect of a received response to the server. Along with a new state, a Follow Up Action is returned to let the application perform the expected actions.
The example below demonstrates how to use the library to implement an Append Entry request/response communication between a leader (server 0) and a follower (server 1). In this example the leader has a log which needs to be replicated on the follower.
let () =
(* Example *)
(* Create a 3 server configuration.
let configuration = Raft_pb.( {
nb_of_server = 3;
election_timeout = 0.1;
}) in
(* Create a leader state by simulating a (rigged) election
let leader_0 =
Raft_helper.Follower.create ~configuration ~id:0 ()
|> Raft_helper.Candidate.become ~now:0.0
|> Raft_helper.Leader.become
|> Raft_helper.Leader.add_log (Bytes.of_string "Foo")
(* Create a follower
let follower_1 =
Raft_helper.Follower.create ~configuration ~id:1 ()
(* First create an 'Append Entries' request from the
leader to server 1.
match Raft_logic.Append_entries.make leader_0 1 with
| Some request -> (
(* 'Update' server 1 (ie follower) by applying the request. This returns
the response to send to the leader.
let follower_1, response = Raft_logic.Append_entries.handle_request follower_1 request in
(* 'Update' server 0 (ie leader) by applying the response. This returns
the new state as well as a follow up action to take.
let leader_0, action = Raft_logic.Append_entries.handle_response leader_0 response in
(* Check that the follower has successfully replicated the leader single
match follower_1.log with
| {data; _ } :: `` ->
if "Foo" = Bytes.to_string data
then print_endline "Log successfully replicated in follower"
else print_endline "Log replication was corrupted"
| _ -> print_endline "Log replication failure"
| None -> ()
Notes on implementing Log size limit
Problem with current implementation
The current implementation keeps on adding
log entry
s to an in-memory log data structure and never deletes them. Eventually the process will run out of memory.
The idea would be to keep only the most recent log entry
s in memory; keep in
mind that all log entry
s are permanently recorded on disk.
Problem with Limitting the log size
In normal mode of operations, followers are replicating the leader log
quickly and are never too far behind. Problem arise when one of the server is
taken offline for a long time. In this case the follower has a lot of
log entry
s to catch up on. This creates 2 major issues:
The leader does a lot of of work to make the follower catch up. The leader keep sending Append Entries Request one after the othe and this usually slows down the leader process which also need to keep append new
log entry
s. -
If we limit the log size proposed above, then it is likely that if follower has been taken offline for an extended period of time the logs it needs to replicate next are not be stored in the in-memory log data structure of the leader.
Solution overview
First, the leader can easily detect when the follower is too far behind (see notes on backlog situation detection). The next Append Entries request it sends can indicate to the follower that no logs can be replicated until the follower has caught up. Additionally through heartbeat Append Entries request the leader can also indicates the minimum log index to be replicated on the follower for it to resume the RAFT replication.
In order to not disrupt the leader, a seperate process called backlog
run on each of the RAFT server. Its sole purpose is streaming logs back to the
follower which is lagging behind. This multi process approach offers several
The backlog server protocol could be optimize for sending large quantity of logs. For instance compression could be used and TCP is likely more suited as well.
The backlog process won't affect the raft server (leader); it will use limited memory, and can run on a separate CPU. Furthermore it will only read past
log entry
s from the permanent storage which are immutable. Database like rocksdb allows a separate process to open the DB in a read only mode, and our design could leverage fully this feature. -
The follower which is behind could use the backlog server of another follower, in general the leader process is the one which consumes the most resources, so it could be better to use a follower.
Solution Details
2 new field in configuration: max_log_size_{upper_bound|lower_bound}. When adding new log entries will make the log size go over upper bound, then truncate the log to lower bound prior to adding the new log entries.
Implement the enforcement of the upper and lower bound value in Raft_log module
Leader detecs the backlog situation when the follower sends back an Append Entries Response with
prev log index
which is smaller than the earliestlog entry
in the in-memory data structure. -
Append Entries Request needs to be modified to notify the follower that it is in a backlog situation.
Follower state needs to keep track of the backlog requirement (ie the earlies
log entry
to be replicated. -
should inform the app of the backlog requirement. This will then leveraged by the application to contact a backlog server for streaming back the missing logs. -
for the application to fill back the in memory log data structure of the follower -
Make sure to read the lower bound entries backward from the permanent storage when starting a server