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Curated from repositories that make our lives as reservoir engineers and geoscientists easier or just more awesome
Awesome Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir Engineering is awesome.
Open reservoir engineering is even more awesome, so we made a list. This list is curated from repositories that make our lives as reservoir engineers, hackers and data wranglers easier or just more awesome. In accordance with the awesome manifesto, we add awesome repositories. We are open to contributions of course, this is a community effort after all.
Awesome Reservoir Engineering
- Contents
- Related Awesome
- Reservoir Simulation
- History Matching and Uncertainty Analysis
- Petrophysics
- PVT Analysis
- Rock-Fluid Interaction
- Geology and Geophysics
- Geostatistics
- Geomechanics
- Data Repositories
- Tutorials and Cheat Sheets
- Miscellaneous
- How to Contribute
- License
Related Awesome
Awesome Open Geoscience -
Awesome list for open source geoscience tools
Awesome Python Chemistry -
Awesome list for chemistry open software in python
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Awesome software projects sub-categorized by focus.
Reservoir Simulation
libres -
Tool for managing an ensemble of reservoir models
libecl -
Reading and writing Eclipse reservoir simulator files
Rapid prototyping and demonstration of new simulation methods in reservoir modelling and simulation
DuMux -
Simulator for flow and transport processes in porous media
Fesapi -
Reading and writing RESQML2 files
Visualize Eclipse/Petrel outputs Grid File (GRDECL) using Paraview(VTK)
TPFA-ResSim -
Toy, 2D black-oil petroleum reservoir simulator
History Matching and Uncertainty Analysis
ert -
Tool for history matching and updating using Ensemble Kalman Filters and Ensemble Smoothers.
pyhum -
Probabilistic Framework for Reservoir Characterization and Real Time Updating
pyscal -
Python module for relative permeability/SCAL support in reservoir simulation
lasio -
Reading and writing well data using Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files
Welly -
Analyzing and processing well log data
Striplog -
Display lithological and stratigraphic logs for wells and outcrop
- FuzzyLAS - Web app for looking up curve mnemonics
dlisio -
dlisio is an LGPL licensed library for working with well logs in Digital Log Interchange Standard (DLIS V1)
porespy -
A set of tools for characterizing and analying 3D images of porous materials
porepy -
Simulation Tool for Fractured and Deformable Porous Media
OpenPNM -
Pore network modeling of porous media
drd -
Download and load digital rocks datasets
Core2Relperm -
Core2Relperm project for inverse modelling of core flooding experiments
pydmd -
Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Analyzing Dynamics in Multi-phase Flow in Porous Media
RockIR -
Rock Image Retrieval for rock samples
PVT Analysis
neqsim -
Estimation of phase behaviour and properties for oil and gas fluids
Computes the fugacity coefficient, compressibility, and density of a gas at a particular temperature and pressure using the Peng-Robinson EoS
zFactor -
Calculates the error measures or deviation between different correlations for gas compressibility compared to the original Standing-Katz chart
Rock-Fluid Interaction
arxim -
Calculations of multiphase (fluid, mineral, gas) interactions
PhreeQC -
Reactions in water and between water and rocks and sediments (speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations)
Reaktoro -
Unified framework for modelling chemically reactive systems
GeoPyTool -
Application with geochemical plotting capabilities
pyrolite -
Geochemical transformation and visualisation
Geology and Geophysics
GemPy -
3-D structural geological modelling software with implicit modelling and support for stochastic modelling
pyGeoPressure -
Pore pressure prediction using well log data and seismic velocity data
mplStereonet -
Stereonets on python based on Matplotlib
apsg -
Advanced structural geology analysis and visualisation based on Matplotlib
segyio -
Fast Python library for SEGY files.
pyKriging -
N-dimensional kriging
Stanford geostatistical modelling software
High perfomance geostatistics library
gstat -
Geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation
Mineral resource estimations
GeoStats.jl -
High-performance geostatistics in Julia
GeostatsPy -
GSLIB reimplimented in Python
GeoStat-Framework -
Framework for geostatistical simulations
Geomechanics.jl -
Geomechanics analysis focused on the Unconventional Resources evaluation
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Data Repositories
- ANP - Brazil's national oil agency open data repository.
- Volve Dataset - Volve field data set download
- Unisim - CMG and Eclipse reservoir simulation datasets.
- Athabasca Oil Sands Well Dataset McMurray/Wabiskaw - Well logs and stratigraphic picks for 2193 wells, including 750 with lithofacies, from Alberta, Canada
- Digital Rocks Portal - Data portal for fast storage and retrieval, sharing, organization and analysis of images of varied porous micro-structures
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Tutorials and Cheat Sheets
- Petroleum Science Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheet for Petroleum Science
- Basic Geoscience Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheet for Basic Geoscience
- Geophysics Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheet for Geophysics
- Rock Physics Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheet for Rock Physics
History Matching tutorial -
Tutorial on history matching with ensembles. Interactive, using Jupyter notebooks. Can be run in the cloud (no installation required).
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Software Underground Slack -
Community connecting geo\computing researchers
gio -
Geoscience file input and output functions for less-than standard data formats
- Comparison of free geophysics software - List of geophysics software on Wikipedia
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How to Contribute
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
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To the extent possible under law, all contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.