Mike Raineri
Mike Raineri
Hopefully this is the last one. I'm suspecting the script is running under Python2 when you're executing it. Can you show me the output of: ``` cat /usr/local/bin/redfishtool ```
Can you try reinstalling the tool with: ```pip3 install -U redfishtool``` As far as I can tell the tool might have been installed in the 3.X directory using the 2.0...
@mraineri to look at this offline to see how this affects existing docs DMTF produces
What's in your config file? Some things to check... In SubscriptionDetails, you may need to remove options entirely. One of the errors I see is that the service is responding...
Are you by any chance using a Cisco system? There is a known issue in the Redfish Python library tracked here: https://github.com/DMTF/python-redfish-library/issues/111 The mockup creator uses that library, so ultimately...
By any chance did the tool capture the SessionCollection found at "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions"? I'd like to compare the contents of that with the session URI the library was attempting to use...
How about the index.json file for the service root (/redfish/v1)? I'm starting to wonder if there are conformance issues with this service. If you're willing, I'd like you to collect...
Here's the script I have to collect some info. You will need to replace BMC_IP, USERNAME, and PASSWORD with your system's information. It will output to a file to "trace.log";...
Thanks! Unfortunately with the debug log, the logout was successful; the DELETE operation on the session resource returned a 200.
@dan-m-joh by the time you get a chance to use the system again, this tool should have a new option merged into the main build that enables the type of...