MR.AspNetCore.Jobs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MR.AspNetCore.Jobs copied to clipboard

A background processing library for Asp.Net Core.

Results 7 MR.AspNetCore.Jobs issues
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Hi Mohammad, have you got any plans to update the project to net core 6.0? I am using 6.0 and it is generelly working fine but I have started getting...

It would be create, if the schedule could be changed to use either the local server time. As my system in is in Europe, I need to configured the schedule...

There are cases we simply want the jobs to be in memory only, not being backed by databases. Can we just hold the jobs in memory? Thanks.

They are already split, but not in an ideal way to enable a server cluster. Stuff to think about: - Who handles making sure storage is up to date? Is...

Hello, I'm looking to move away from Hangfire, I'm currently using a SQLite hangfire extension and it's causing some headache with .net core 2.0. I came across this so thought...

Hi! This looks like a great library - thank you for publishing it. I would like to use this library in a project that uses Postgres. I'm going to be...