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Multi-module Android App built using Jetpack compose, Paging3, Room and More [still in progress....]
Multi-module Android app built with Jetpack Compose and the latest android libraries. [InProgress.....]
Modularization Style:
- Hybrid (By layer and By Feature)
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Used Libs:
- Jetpack Compose
- Paging3
- Room
- DataStore
- Hilt
- Jetpack components
- Coil
- Support Dark Theme
- Support Version Catalog
- Add Unit testing using Junit and Mockk
- Add UI testing
- Add Snapshot testing
- Add cool Animations
- Add Native Module for Keys
- Add a common gradle file instead of dependency redundancy
- Add CI/CD using GitHub actions
Current Modules
- design system : holds fonts/colors/types/theme + resources +localisation (needs refactor)
- ui components: holds some reusable components
- Features
- onboarding
- news
- bookmarks
- news search
- news details
- Core
- data for repository and mappers
- domain for use cases and business
- database for local source
- network for remote source
- common for shared logic and utils
UI tests
- you can run EndToEndTest Suite to run all user scenarios , all ui test under androidTest in app module
- current Ui tests
- NewsList
- NewsSearch
- OnBoarding
InProgress ......
- Implement UI Tests using Robot pattern,Compose Navigation test Lib and Mock Http Server
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