snapshot-timemachine icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
snapshot-timemachine copied to clipboard

Emacs-mode to step through (Btrfs, ZFS, ...) snapshots of files


Table of Contents

  • snapshot-timemachine
    • Timemachine
    • Timeline
    • Installation
    • Customisation
    • Your own snapshot system
    • Licence

Snapshot-timemachine provides a polished interface to step through the snapshots of a file made by a third-party snapshot or backup facility, e.g. Btrfs, ZFS, etc.

Out of the box, it can detect snapshots made by Snapper, but it provides a simple interface to add support for other snapshot facilities.

It provides two views: the timemachine and the timeline.


Invoke with M-x snapshot-timemachine. Inspired by git-timemachine. Opens a new buffer viewing the current snapshot of the visited file. You can easily go back and forth in time and view the state of the file in the snapshots you made.


Available bindings:

  • n Show the next snapshot
  • p Show the previous snapshot
  • N Show the next snapshot that differs from the current one
  • P Show the previous snapshot that differs from the current one
  • < Show the first recorded snapshot
  • > Show the last (current) recorded snapshot
  • j Pick a snapshot to show
  • t or l Activate the timeline
  • q Quit
  • r Restore the file to the shown snapshot
  • s Save the shown snapshot as a new file


Invoke with M-x snapshot-timeline. Opens a new buffer listing all the snapshots made of the visited file. The Diffstat column indicates the changes between snapshots. You can step through the list, view snapshots, open diffs, revert a snapshot, etc. You can mark two snapshots as A and B to quickly compare them or to start an ediff or emerge session using them.


Available bindings:

  • RET Show the selected snapshot in the timemachine or the diff when the point is on a diffstat
  • SPC or v Show the selected snapshot in the timemachine in another window
  • = Show the diff between the previous snapshot and the selected one
  • r Restore the file to the shown snapshot
  • q Quit
  • n Show the next snapshot
  • p Show the previous snapshot
  • N Show the next snapshot that differs from the current one
  • P Show the previous snapshot that differs from the current one
  • < Show the first recorded snapshot
  • > Show the last (current) recorded snapshot
  • i Only show snapshots with changes (toggle)
  • a Mark the selected snapshot as A
  • b Mark the selected snapshot as B
  • u Unmark the current snapshot
  • U Unmark all snapshots
  • d Show the diff between snapshots A and B
  • e Start an ediff session with snapshots A and B
  • m Start an emerge session with snapshots A and B


  • Manual install:

      (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/snapshot-timemachine")
      (require 'snapshot-timemachine)


There are a couple of options that can be tweaked:

  • snapshot-timemachine-time-format (default: "%a %d %b %Y %R") the format used to display the dates.
  • snapshot-timemachine-diff-switches (default: "-u") the switches to pass to diff when calculating a diff between snapshots.
  • snapshot-timemachine-include-current (default: t) include the current state of the file in the timeline and timemachine.
  • snapshot-timemachine-sync-with-timeline (default: t) when scrolling through the timeline, show the selected snapshot in the timemachine when active. If for some reason loading a snapshot takes a while (e.g. stored on remote storage), setting this to nil will make moving around in the timeline more responsive.

Your own snapshot system

To use snapshot-timemachine for a snapshot system other than Snapper, you have to define your own function to find the snapshots.

Given an absolute path to a file as only argument, the function must return a list of snapshot structs of the existing snapshots of the file. When snapshot-timemachine-include-current is t, the current version of the file will be added to this list for you, so you don't have to include it.

The snapshot struct has the following slots:

  • id An ascending numerical identifier for internal lookups. Users will not see this, so you can just generate this.

  • name The name of the snapshot that will be displayed in the timemachine and the timeline.

  • file The absolute path to the snapshotted file, e.g. "/home/.snapshots/2/snapshot/thomas/.emacs.d/init.el".

  • date The date/time at which the snapshot was made, format: (HIGH LOW USEC PSEC), a standard Emacs time object.

  • diffstat The number of lines added/removed compared to the previous snapshot, format: (ADDED . REMOVED). You can leave this nil, it will be calculated for you.

When you have defined your function, store it in the variable snapshot-timemachine-snapshot-finder. That's it!

You can have a look at snapshot-timemachine-snapper-snapshot-finder for inspiration.


Distributed under the GNU General Public License.