I know nothing about QSV/Intel, but I remember from tests on Radeon VCE that decoding and encoding had to be specified to target the GPU. Otherwise only the encoding will...
This will start a chain to more unforeseen cases. If the source file has multichannel-audio, it also stops. $anything-multichannel to opus still expects `-af aformat=channel_layouts="7.1|5.1"` I don't know if you...
Maybe for reference:
I remember this was a thing with libopus. The channels are not 1:1 the same, so telling 5.1 or 7.1 explicit should help. Googling for libopus multichannel 5.1 should give...
Yes, you need to use it multiple times: `... --svt tune=0 --svt scd=0 ...` `--enc af=loudnorm` as example is meant for ffmpeg > the behavior isn't consistent between SVT-AV1 and...
Maybe your shell hickups on the - in the filename. Try `ab-av1 auto-encode -i "2019-08-03-21-21-46-17.mkv"` or rename it just to be sure to test.mkv -> `ab-av1 auto-encode -i test.mkv` If...
Is your error still existing? Have you tried another file? Sounds more like a broken file (CRC error during transfer is more likely with big files) or complete wrong extension....