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Series of talks/workshops aimed at guiding newcomers through Python basics, Data Analysis and Machine Learning.

Machine Learning For Dummies


  • Machine Learning For Dummies
    • Index
    • Episode 1: A Pythonic Hope
      • E1: Information
      • E1: Contents
    • Episode 2: Python Strikes Back
      • E2: Information
      • E2: Contents
    • Episode 3: Return of the Tensor
      • E3: Information
      • E3: Contents
    • Dates :calendar:
    • Show Some :heart:

Episode 1: A Pythonic Hope

Cover art for Episode 1: A Pythonic Hope

E1: Information

  • Type: Talk
  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 2-3 Hours with a Break
  • Prerequisites: Little bits of programming knowledge may help you understand some of the horrible jokes I make
  • Technical Requirements: None
  • Materials:

E1: Contents

  • Machine What?
    • Don't believe the hype
    • GG EZ
    • The Data Jedi Path
  • Python: Learning to love Snakes
    • General overwiew of the language
    • Pythonic Syntax and Style
    • Pythonic Objects - Strings' Theory - Python as a calculator - Logical Python
      • Lists
      • Tuples
      • Dictionaries
    • The Code Must Flow
    • Functions
    • Import Antigravity
    • Python Mind Tricks
  • Use Python Luke!
    • Royal Rumble
    • The Python Data/Scientific Ecosystem
    • Kong Fu Pandas [COMING SOON]
    • Data Plumbing
    • Data Porn
      • From Dask till dawn [COMING SOON]
      • Twinke twinkle little Spark [COMING SOON]
    • De Naturalis Lingua [COMING SOON]

Episode 2: Python Strikes Back

Cover art for Episode 2: Python Strikes Back

E2: Information

E2: Contents

  • Why we like whales: Introduction to docker by @federicoB
  • Enter the Mad Scientist lab: IPython + Jupyter (lab)
  • Numpy and the Masters of the vector-verse: From lists to vector
  • Of Snakes and Pandas: Pandas Dataframe 101
  • Nom Nom Nom: Ingesting Data
  • Pandarellas - Becoming Cinderellas with Pandas 1: Cleaning
  • Pandarellas - Becoming Cinderellas with Pandas 2: Transformation
  • Bow Chicka Wow Wow: Introduction to Data Porn (also known as Data Visualization)

Episode 3: Return of the Tensor

Cover art for Episode 3: Return of the Tensor

E3: Information

E3: Contents

  • Introduction to Machine Learning 0. What is Machine Learning?

    1. Why Use Machine Learning?
    2. Types of Machine Learning
    3. Supervised Learning
    4. Unsupervised Learning
    5. Semi-Supervised Learning
    6. Reinforcement Learning
    7. Machine Learning Challenges
  • Glimpsing at: scikit-learn [COMING SOON]

    • An exceptional API [COMING SOON]
    • Machine Learning true Workhorse [COMING SOON]
    • Showcase: Diabetes [COMING SOON]
  • Deep Learning introduction with Tensorflow by @galeone

Dates :calendar:

  • [x] 25/11/2017 - Episode 1: A Pythonic Hope - @ImpactHub, Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • [x] 30/11/2017 - Episode 1: A Pythonic Hope - @LuogoComune, Bologna, Italy
  • [x] 30/01/2018 - Episode 2: Python Strikes Back - @LuogoComune, Bologna, Italy
  • [x] 20/02/2018 - Episode 2: Python Strikes Back Remastered [Replica] - @LuogoComune, Bologna, Italy
  • [x] 22/06/2018 - Episode 3: Return of the Tensor - @LuogoComune, Bologna, Italy

Show Some :heart: