mqtt-connection copied to clipboard
subscribed client doesn't receive the message from broker
node version: 8.11.0 working on windows 7.
The client is successfully subscribed.
The broker receives the publish from client A but doesn't forward it to client B
`server.on('connection', function (stream) { let conn = mqttConn(stream)
// conn connected
conn.on('connect', function (packet) {
// acknowledge the connect packet
conn.connack({ returnCode: 0 });
conn.on('publish', function (packet) {
packet2send = packet;
conn.pubrec({ messageId: packet.messageId });
conn.on('pubrel', function (packet) {
conn.pubcomp({ messageId: packet.messageId });
stream.on('timeout', function () {
retain: false,
qos: 2,
dup: false,
length: 14,
topic: 'hello',
payload: 'world',
messageId: 1
conn.on('pubrec', function (packet) {
console.log('aa' + packet);
conn.pubrel({ messageId: packet.messageId });
conn.on('pubcomp', function (packet) {
console.log('aa' + packet);
// conn subscribed
conn.on('subscribe', function (packet) {
// send a suback with messageId and granted QoS level
conn.suback({ granted: [packet.qos], messageId: messageId })
// timeout idle streams after 5 minutes
//stream.setTimeout(1000 * 60 * 5)
// connection error handling
conn.on('close', function (packet) { conn.destroy()
console.log('close ' + packet);})
conn.on('error', function (packet) { conn.destroy()
console.log('error ' + packet);})
conn.on('disconnect', function (packet) { conn.destroy()
console.log('disconnect' + packet);})
mqtt-connection does not deal with topic matching and packet forwarding, for that you can use aedes . You can use mqtt-connection to built custom broker, but it is on itself is not a broker.
Yes. thank you very much for the reply!! I just figured that out 1 hour before you answer and used aedes. works fine. So balanced shame with a bit of confidence.. :P