mpv copied to clipboard
Support for AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer format (iOS)
In #7857 @tmm1 said he working on adding AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
on iOS via --wid
I would like to replace my current GLES
implementation with AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
, as OpenGL
is deprecated for long time now by Apple.
It would be fine to get the good buffer format from libmpv
to queue frames to CMSampleBuffer
What do you think ?
You can create CVPixelBufferRef
from OpenGL, and render using AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
Create CVPixelBufferRef from OpenGL
class RenderView: GLKView {
var frameBuffer: SRFrameBuffer?
func drawRect() {
// ....
let pixelBuffer = frameBuffer?.target {
renderDelegate?.renderView(self, dispatchCVPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)
extension AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer {
func process(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) {
autoreleasepool {
var timingInfo: CMSampleTimingInfo = .invalid
var sampleBufferOut: CMSampleBuffer?
var formatDescription: CMFormatDescription?
CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateForImageBuffer(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault,
imageBuffer: pixelBuffer,
formatDescriptionOut: &formatDescription)
if let formatDescription = formatDescription {
CMSampleBufferCreateForImageBuffer(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault,
imageBuffer: pixelBuffer,
dataReady: true,
makeDataReadyCallback: nil,
refcon: nil,
formatDescription: formatDescription,
sampleTiming: &timingInfo,
sampleBufferOut: &sampleBufferOut)
if let sampleBufferOut = sampleBufferOut {
let attachments = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBufferOut, createIfNecessary: true)
let attachment = unsafeBitCast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0), to: CFMutableDictionary.self)
if self.status == .failed {
print("AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer enqueue status failed")
if let error = self.error {
print("AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer enqueue error:\(error)")
Thanks for the tip, but i don't get it to works.
The pixelBuffer is always empty, i think i have a problem while binding the framebuffer and rendering from mpv_opengl_fbo
/ mpv_render_context_render
fbo should using frameBuffer's fbo.
if let frameBuffer = frameBuffer {
fboId = GLint(frameBuffer.frameBuffer)
dimension = frameBuffer.size
flip.pointee = 0
Yep i'm using fbo, but i'm missing something else (is my test ok ?)
Also mpv_render_context_render
needs an OpaquePointer
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
var flip: CInt = 1
if let frameBuffer = frameBuffer {
glGetIntegerv(GLenum(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING), &frameBuffer.frameBuffer)
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &flip) { flip in
if HandlerManager.shared.activePlayer().mpvRenderContext != nil {
fbo = GLint(frameBuffer.frameBuffer)
var data = mpv_opengl_fbo(fbo: Int32(fbo),
w: Int32(self.drawableWidth),
h: Int32(self.drawableHeight),
internal_format: 0)
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &data) { data in
var params: [mpv_render_param] = [
mpv_render_param(type: MPV_RENDER_PARAM_OPENGL_FBO, data: .init(data)),
mpv_render_param(type: MPV_RENDER_PARAM_FLIP_Y, data: .init(flip)),
mpv_render_context_render(HandlerManager.shared.activePlayer().mpvRenderContext, ¶ms)
} else {
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
glBindFramebuffer(GLenum(GL_FRAMEBUFFER), 0)
// Test if we have something in target ?
if let pixelBuffer = frameBuffer?.target {
//renderDelegate?.renderView(self, dispatchCVPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)
var cgImage: CGImage?
VTCreateCGImageFromCVPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer, options: nil, imageOut: &cgImage)
let image1 = UIImage.init(cgImage: cgImage!)
let image2 = UIImage(ciImage: CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer))
let image3 = pixelBuffer.cgImage()?.image()
print("image empty ?", image1, image2, image3)
In #7857 @tmm1 said he working on adding
on iOS via--wid
I dug this up and pushed it here:
Hi @tmm1 Thanks a lot ! I have build and test it, unfortunately i just have a black screen.
Watching logs, i see that:
[ 0.541][e][autoconvert] can't find video conversion for yuv420p
[ 0.541][f][vf] Cannot convert decoder/filter output to any format supported by the output.
[ 0.541][v][vf] filter output EOF
[ 0.541][t][cplayer] video_output_image: r=0/eof=1/st=syncing
[ 0.541][f][cplayer] Could not initialize video chain.
[ 0.541][d][vd] Uninit decoder.
Looks like vo avfoundation
is uninit right after opening file.
Do you have any sample code or tips on how to use it ?
It can only render CVPixBuf so I think you need hwdec=videotoolbox
(with hwdec-codecs=h264
if that's what you're decoding). And perhaps also gpu-hwdec-interop=videotoolbox
Tested with a h264 video, still failing
[ 0.783][e][autoconvert] can't find video conversion for yuv420p
[ 0.783][f][vf] Cannot convert decoder/filter output to any format supported by the output.
[ 0.783][v][vf] filter output EOF
[ 0.783][t][cplayer] video_output_image: r=0/eof=1/st=syncing
[ 0.783][f][cplayer] Could not initialize video chain.
[ 0.783][d][vd] Uninit decoder.
Yea it won't work if the pixel format is yuv420p. You need the pixel format to be videotoolbox_vld. I can't tell why it's not decoding with videotoolbox, there should be more info in preceding[vd]
Alternatively you can convert yuv420p into videotoolbox_vld using lavf hwupload. I added support for that in[email protected]/msg121506.html
Yes it's works with the filter. Thanks!
Hi i did everything you said @tmm1 , it's working but the video is laggy, the log doesn't display any error
I set that for filtering chkErr(mpv_set_option_string(mpv, "vf", "hwupload"))
Did you have this issue @skrew ?
Is there something i missing ? thank you
Here the logs
mpv log: [cplayer] debug: Setting option 'hwdec' = "videotoolbox" (flags = 0) -> 0
mpv log: [cplayer] debug: Setting option 'gpu-hwdec-interop' = "videotoolbox" (flags = 0) -> 0
mpv log: [cplayer] debug: Setting option 'vf' = "lavfi=[hwupload]" (flags = 0) -> 0
mpv log: [cplayer] debug: Setting option 'hwdec-codecs' = "all" (flags = 0) -> 0
mpv log: [cplayer] debug: Setting option 'wid' = 105553137269504 (flags = 0) -> 0
mpv log: [cplayer] debug: Run command: loadfile, flags=64, args=[url="/private/var/folders/xd/3bggzm3n25l43mj4wdqx7bsh0000gn/X/70E90570-4B68-53EA-A50C-EFD7B4493739/d/Wrapper/", flags="replace", options=""]
mpv log: [global] debug: config path: 'watch_later' -> '-'
mpv log: [file] v: Opening /private/var/folders/xd/3bggzm3n25l43mj4wdqx7bsh0000gn/X/70E90570-4B68-53EA-A50C-EFD7B4493739/d/Wrapper/
mpv log: [file] debug: resize stream to 131072 bytes, drop 0 bytes
mpv log: [file] debug: Stream opened successfully.
mpv log: [demux] v: Trying demuxers for level=normal.
mpv log: [demux] debug: Trying demuxer: disc (force-level: normal)
mpv log: [demux] debug: Trying demuxer: edl (force-level: normal)
mpv log: [demux] debug: Trying demuxer: cue (force-level: normal)
mpv log: [demux] debug: Trying demuxer: rawaudio (force-level: normal)
mpv log: [demux] debug: Trying demuxer: rawvideo (force-level: normal)
mpv log: [demux] debug: Trying demuxer: mkv (force-level: normal)
mpv log: [demux] debug: Trying demuxer: lavf (force-level: normal)
mpv log: [lavf] v: Found 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2' at score=100 size=2048.
mpv log: [demux] v: Detected file format: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 (libavformat)
mpv log: [cplayer] v: Opening done: /private/var/folders/xd/3bggzm3n25l43mj4wdqx7bsh0000gn/X/70E90570-4B68-53EA-A50C-EFD7B4493739/d/Wrapper/
mpv log: [find_files] v: Loading external files in /private/var/folders/xd/3bggzm3n25l43mj4wdqx7bsh0000gn/X/70E90570-4B68-53EA-A50C-EFD7B4493739/d/Wrapper/
mpv log: [lavf] v: select track 0
mpv log: [lavf] v: select track 1
mpv log: [cplayer] info: (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 640x360 23.962fps)
mpv log: [cplayer] info: (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (aac 2ch 22050Hz)
mpv log: [vd] v: Container reported FPS: 23.962060
mpv log: [vd] v: Codec list:
mpv log: [vd] v: h264 - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
mpv log: [vd] v: Opening decoder h264
mpv log: [vd] v: Looking at hwdec h264-videotoolbox...
mpv log: [vd] v: Could not create device.
mpv log: [vd] v: No hardware decoding available for this codec.
mpv log: [vd] v: Using software decoding.
mpv log: [vd] v: Detected 10 logical cores.
mpv log: [vd] v: Requesting 11 threads for decoding.
mpv log: [vd] v: Selected codec: h264 (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10)
mpv log: [user_filter_wrapper] v: Setting option 'graph' = 'hwupload' (flags = 0)
mpv log: [vf] v: User filter list:
mpv log: [vf] v: lavfi (lavfi.00)
mpv log: [ad] v: Codec list:
mpv log: [ad] v: aac - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
mpv log: [ad] v: aac_fixed (aac) - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
mpv log: [ad] v: aac_at (aac) - aac (AudioToolbox)
mpv log: [ad] v: Opening decoder aac
mpv log: [ad] v: Requesting 1 threads for decoding.
mpv log: [ad] v: Selected codec: aac (AAC (Advanced Audio Coding))
mpv log: [af] v: User filter list:
mpv log: [af] v: (empty)
mpv log: [cplayer] v: Starting playback...
mpv log: [af] v: [in] 22050Hz stereo 2ch floatp
mpv log: [af] v: [userspeed] 22050Hz stereo 2ch floatp
mpv log: [af] v: [userspeed] (disabled)
mpv log: [af] v: [convert] 22050Hz stereo 2ch floatp
mpv log: [ao] v: Trying audio driver 'audiounit'
mpv log: [ao/audiounit] v: requested format: 22050 Hz, stereo channels, floatp
mpv log: [ao/audiounit] v: max channels: 2, requested: 2
mpv log: [ao/audiounit] v: AU channel layout tag: 0 (0)
mpv log: [ao/audiounit] v: channel map: 0: 1
mpv log: [ao/audiounit] v: channel map: 1: 2
mpv log: [ao/audiounit] v: using stereo output
mpv log: [ao/audiounit] v: using soft-buffer of 4410 samples.
mpv log: [cplayer] info: AO: [audiounit] 22050Hz stereo 2ch floatp
mpv log: [cplayer] v: AO: Description: AudioUnit (iOS)
mpv log: [af] v: [convert] (disabled)
mpv log: [af] v: [out] 22050Hz stereo 2ch floatp
mpv log: [ffmpeg/video] debug: h264: Reinit context to 640x368, pix_fmt: yuv420p
mpv log: [vd] debug: DR parameter change to 640x386 yuv420p align=64
mpv log: [vd] debug: Allocating new (host-cached) DR image...
mpv log: [vd] debug: ...failed..
mpv log: [vd] v: DR failed - disabling.
mpv log: [vd] v: Using software decoding.
mpv log: [vd] v: Decoder format: 640x360 [0:1] yuv420p bt.601/bt.601-525/bt.1886/limited/auto CL=uhd
mpv log: [vf] v: [in] 640x360 yuv420p bt.601/bt.601-525/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=uhd
mpv log: [vf] v: [userdeint] 640x360 yuv420p bt.601/bt.601-525/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=uhd
mpv log: [vf] v: [userdeint] (disabled)
mpv log: [vf] v: [lavfi] 640x360 yuv420p bt.601/bt.601-525/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=uhd
mpv log: [ffmpeg] debug: mpv_src_in0: w:640 h:360 pixfmt:yuv420p tb:1/1000000 fr:288000/12019 sar:1/1
mpv log: [lavfi] v: Configuring hwdec_interop=avfoundation for filter graph: hwupload
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: Filter graph:
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: +-------------------+
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: mpv_src_in0:default--[640x360 1:1 yuv420p]--default| Parsed_hwupload_0 |default--[640x360 1:1 videotoolbox_vld]--mpv_sink_out0:default
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: | (hwupload) |
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: +-------------------+
mpv log: [lavfi] debug:
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: +---------------+
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: Parsed_hwupload_0:default--[640x360 1:1 videotoolbox_vld]--default| mpv_sink_out0 |
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: | (buffersink) |
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: +---------------+
mpv log: [lavfi] debug:
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: +-------------+
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: | mpv_src_in0 |default--[640x360 1:1 yuv420p]--Parsed_hwupload_0:default
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: | (buffer) |
mpv log: [lavfi] debug: +-------------+
mpv log: [lavfi] debug:
mpv log: [lavfi] debug:
mpv log: [vf] v: [autorotate] 640x360 videotoolbox[yuv420p] bt.601/bt.601-525/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=uhd
mpv log: [vf] v: [autorotate] (disabled)
mpv log: [vf] v: [convert] 640x360 videotoolbox[yuv420p] bt.601/bt.601-525/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=uhd
mpv log: [vf] v: [convert] (disabled)
mpv log: [vf] v: [out] 640x360 videotoolbox[yuv420p] bt.601/bt.601-525/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=uhd
mpv log: [cplayer] info: VO: [avfoundation] 640x360 videotoolbox[yuv420p]
mpv log: [cplayer] v: VO: Description: AVFoundation AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer (macOS/iOS)
mpv log: [vo/avfoundation] v: reconfig to 640x360 videotoolbox[yuv420p] bt.601/bt.601-525/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=uhd
mpv log: [cplayer] v: first video frame after restart shown
mpv log: [cplayer] v: audio ready
mpv log: [cplayer] debug: starting video playback
mpv log: [cplayer] v: starting audio playback
mpv log: [cplayer] v: playback restart complete @ 0.000000, audio=playing, video=playing
I am also encountering the video laggy issue too when using vo=avfoundation
powered by AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
when playing 4K HDR video.
I guess the reason cause video laggy is that sample buffer display immediately. The frame is displayed when decoded, that may cause frame not synced with actual presentation time.
(CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0),
After I comment kCMSampleAttachmentKey_DisplayImmediately
and control sample buffer presentation time using AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
's controlTimebase, the laggy got eased but not smooth as CAMetalLayer
(which also provided by @tmm1 , which has HDR color issue I have not figured out) nor vo=libmpv
using OpenGLES.
// renderview.swift
let timebasePointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<CMTimebase?>.allocate(capacity: 1)
let status = CMTimebaseCreateWithSourceClock(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, sourceClock: CMClockGetHostTimeClock(), timebaseOut: timebasePointer)
displayLayer.controlTimebase = timebasePointer.pointee
if let controlTimeBase = displayLayer.controlTimebase, status == noErr {
CMTimebaseSetTime(controlTimeBase, time:
CMTimebaseSetRate(controlTimeBase, rate: 1)
// vo_avfoundation.m
CMTimebaseRef timebase = [p->displayLayer controlTimebase];
CMTime nowTime = CMTimebaseGetTime(timebase);
CVPixelBufferRef pixbuf = (CVPixelBufferRef)img->planes[3];
CMSampleTimingInfo info = {
.presentationTimeStamp = nowTime,
.duration = kCMTimeInvalid,
.decodeTimeStamp = kCMTimeInvalid
// CFDictionarySetValue(
// (CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0),
// kCMSampleAttachmentKey_DisplayImmediately,
// kCFBooleanTrue
// );
After I put enqueueSampleBuffer
staffs to draw_frame
method and the laggy went away.
static void flip_page(struct vo *vo)
struct priv *p = vo->priv;
struct mp_image *img = p->next_image;
if (!img)
static void draw_frame(struct vo *vo, struct vo_frame *frame)
struct priv *p = vo->priv;
mp_image_t *mpi = NULL;
if (!frame->redraw && !frame->repeat)
mpi = mp_image_new_ref(frame->current);
if (!mpi)
CVPixelBufferRef pixbuf = (CVPixelBufferRef)mpi->planes[3];
CMSampleTimingInfo info = {
.presentationTimeStamp = kCMTimeInvalid,
.duration = kCMTimeInvalid,
.decodeTimeStamp = kCMTimeInvalid
CMSampleBufferRef buf = NULL;
CMFormatDescriptionRef format = NULL;
CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateForImageBuffer(NULL, pixbuf, &format);
CFArrayRef attachments = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(buf, YES);
(CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0),
[p->displayLayer enqueueSampleBuffer:buf];
p->next_image = mpi;
p->next_vo_pts = frame->pts;
PS: I do not know if it's the right place to enqueueSampleBuffer.
Hi @byMohamedali do you have subtitle display issue with this vo ? External subtitles are not showing.
Yes i have the same issue when using avfoundation, i'm investigating how we could solve that, please let me know if you find a solution :)