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Rename concepts to `standard_case`

Open marioarbras opened this issue 4 years ago • 59 comments

Following the changes introduced by P1754R1 to the concepts library in C++20, consider renaming all concepts to standard_case, for consistency.

marioarbras avatar Apr 17 '20 10:04 marioarbras

I would love to but this is not that easy. I was in the LEWG room when we discussed P1745 and I am fully aware of the naming conventions in the C++ Standard Library. I also brought my case there but at this moment it was just a theory. Now it is real and we will have to find the best naming convention for those cases. The problem is that we have ratio type and Ratio concept, quantity type and Quantity concept. How would you rename any of those to be consistent with standard_case and still be easy to understand and use? And no, I do not think that _c postfix for concepts is a good idea ;-)

mpusz avatar Apr 17 '20 10:04 mpusz

I agree with you in that adding a _c postfix is not the solution 😄

All the concepts defined in dimensions.h, bitrate.h, and information.h seem to be no problem. If you make them standard_case there are no name clashes with the types in the units::cgs, units::natural and units::si namespaces.

From To
units::DimensionOf units::dimension_of
units::QuantityOf units::quantity_of_dimension
units::Length units::length
units::Mass units::mass
units::Time units::time
units::Current units::current
units::Temperature units::temperature
units::Substance units::substance
units::LuminousIntensity units::luminous_intensity
units::Frequency units::frequency
units::Area units::area
units::Volume units::volume
units::Velocity units::velocity
units::Acceleration units::acceleration
units::Force units::force
units::Momentum units::momentum
units::Energy units::energy
units::Density units::density
units::Power units::power
units::Voltage units::voltage
units::ElectricCharge units::electric_charge
units::Capacitance units::capacitance
units::SurfaceTension units::surface_tension
units::Pressure units::pressure
units::MagneticInduction units::magnetic_induction
units::MagneticFlux units::magnetic_flux
units::Inductance units::inductance
units::Conductance units::conductance
units::CatalyticActivity units::catalytic_activity
units::AbsorbedDose units::absorbed_dose
units::CurrentDensity units::current_density
units::Concentration units::concentration
units::Luminance units::luminance
units::DynamicViscosity units::dynamic_viscosity
units::HeatCapacity units::heat_capacity
units::SpecificHeatCapacity units::specific_heat_capacity
units::MolarHeatCapacity units::molar_heat_capacity
units::ThermalConductivity units::thermal_conductivity
units::ElectricFieldStrength units::electric_field_strength
units::ChargeDensity units::charge_density
units::SurfaceChargeDensity units::surface_charge_density
units::Permittivity units::permittivity
units::Permeability units::permeability
units::MolarEnergy units::molar_energy
units::Bitrate units::bitrate
units::Information units::information

Some concepts could be moved to a different namespace (utils maybe?), as they are not necessarily units-related.

From To
units::Downcastable utils::downcastable (although units::downcastable would still work)
units::TypeList utils::type_list (although units::type_list would still work)
units::Scalar utils::Scalar (although units::scalar would still work)
units::Ratio utils::ratio

The remaining concepts in concepts.h seem to be the problematic ones. What about something along these lines?

From To
units::PrefixFamily units::unit_prefix_family
units::Prefix units::unit_prefix
units::UnitRatio units::unit_ratio
units::Unit units::physical_unit or units::measurement_unit
units::BaseDimension units::base_quantity_dimension
units::DerivedDimension units::derived_quantity_dimension
units::Dimension units::quantity_dimension
units::Exponent units::exponent or units::dimension_exponent
units::UnitOf units::unit_of_dimension
units::Quantity units::physical_quantity or units::quantifiable
units::WrappedQuantity units::wrapped_physical_quantity or units::wrapped_quantifiable

marioarbras avatar Apr 18 '20 08:04 marioarbras

I did an approach to this subject and found the following issues:

  • bitrate and information actually is a problem as we have such aliases already
  • I do not like the idea to have ratio and utils::ratio
  • when we have prefix_family and unit_prefix_family and similar how to know which one is a type and which one is a concept (same applies to prefix, base_dimension, derived_dimension, quantity)

I am not saying no, but we need to address at least the above before we can continue.

mpusz avatar May 07 '20 06:05 mpusz

The following is my preferred solution ( variations involve maybe a units_concept:: or units::concepts:: namespaces, but this variant avoids ambiguity introduced by using declarations as is currently an issue e.g with using namespace std;.)

The solution is

  • Consistent.
  • Descriptive.
  • Follows existing convention.
  • Unlikely to collide with current symbols.
  • Easy to remember.
  • Easy to extend to new symbols.

(Edited to shorten some names that are now not ambiguous I think)

From To
units::DimensionOf units::concept_dimension
units::QuantityOf units::concept_quantity
units::Length units::concept_length
units::Mass units::concept_mass
units::Time units::concept_time
units::Current units::concept_current
units::Temperature units::concept_temperature
units::Substance units::concept_substance
units::LuminousIntensity units::concept_luminous_intensity
units::Frequency units::concept_frequency
units::Area units::concept_area
units::Volume units::concept_volume
units::Velocity units::concept_velocity
units::Acceleration units::concept_acceleration
units::Force units::concept_force
units::Momentum units::concept_momentum
units::Energy units::concept_energy
units::Density units::concept_density
units::Power units::concept_power
units::Voltage units::concept_voltage
units::ElectricCharge units::concept_electric_charge
units::Capacitance units::concept_capacitance
units::SurfaceTension units::concept_surface_tension
units::Pressure units::concept_pressure
units::MagneticInduction units::concept_magnetic_induction
units::MagneticFlux units::concept_magnetic_flux
units::Inductance units::concept_inductance
units::Conductance units::concept_conductance
units::CatalyticActivity units::concept_catalytic_activity
units::AbsorbedDose units::concept_absorbed_dose
units::CurrentDensity units::concept_current_density
units::Concentration units::concept_concentration
units::Luminance units::concept_luminance
units::DynamicViscosity units::concept_dynamic_viscosity
units::HeatCapacity units::concept_heat_capacity
units::SpecificHeatCapacity units::concept_specific_heat_capacity
units::MolarHeatCapacity units::concept_molar_heat_capacity
units::ThermalConductivity units::concept_thermal_conductivity
units::ElectricFieldStrength units::concept_electric_field_strength
units::ChargeDensity units::concept_charge_density
units::SurfaceChargeDensity units::concept_surface_charge_density
units::Permittivity units::concept_permittivity
units::Permeability units::concept_permeability
units::MolarEnergy units::concept_molar_energy
units::Bitrate units::concept_bitrate
units::Information units::concept_information

kwikius avatar May 08 '20 09:05 kwikius

I must admit it has some good points. It is verbose thus easy to understand and unambiguous. However, it is inconsistent with what ISO C++ Committee decided for concepts in C++20 (no prefix or postfix). If I am about to be inconsistent anyway I prefer to use CapitalLeters as it is shorter. We probably need to find a better solution to move to a standard_case.

mpusz avatar May 08 '20 21:05 mpusz

I must admit it has some good points. It is verbose thus easy to understand and unambiguous. However, it is inconsistent with what ISO C++ Committee decided for concepts in C++20 (no prefix or postfix). If I am about to be inconsistent anyway I prefer to use CapitalLeters as it is shorter. We probably need to find a better solution to move to a standard_case.

I have re-read P1754R1 and the only reference to prefix and suffix is in 1.1.2.

It is worth re-reading that since it is an argument about retaining UpperCase rather than ruling out prefixes and suffixes per se. The argument is as I understand it that short prefixes and suffixes are cryptic. That is not comparable with prefixing with full word concept_ :

1.1.2 Retain status quo PascalCase, because (for example) having both std::copy_constructible and std::is_copy_constructible mean different things and give subtly different answers in some cases creates user confusion and pitfalls.

We think this concern already exists with std::is_copy_constructible_v<T> and std::CopyConstructible<T>, because new users don’t know that PascalCase means something magical any more than they know that the prefix is_ and suffix _v mean something magical. Novice users will conflate the trait and the concept regardless of the transformation we apply to the words “copy” and “constructible” if both the trait and the concept contain some variation of those words."

The above argument seems to be that ambiguity will remain in spite of whether upper case or lower case is used :

"One of the authors who initially preferred PascalCase concept naming “found that after a while std::copy_constructible, std::is_copy_constructible, and std::CopyConstructible are equally similar, equally different, and if you see any two of them you have to head for or equivalent to find out the difference.” .

kwikius avatar May 09 '20 08:05 kwikius

Try an experiment.

Take a random list of words (

start memorandum clerk energy bacon neglect isolation chauvinist ratio person story domination safari respect sodium concentration trail

Now ask yourself how to demarcate which of those words is a concept.

The only options I see are namespace , prefix, postfix or grammar :

EDITED . By chance ratio was in there :)

start memorandum concept_clerk energy concept_bacon neglect isolation chauvinist concept_ratio person story domination safari respect sodium concept_concentration trail

start memorandum clerk_concept energy bacon_concept neglect isolation chauvinist ratio_concept person story domination safari respect sodium concentration_concept trail

start memorandum [)clerk(] energy [)bacon(] neglect isolation chauvinist [)ratio(] person story domination safari respect sodium [)concentration(] trail

kwikius avatar May 09 '20 08:05 kwikius

I have re-read P1754R1 and the only reference to prefix and suffix is in 1.1.2.

I was not referring to the paper but to the discussion that we had in the LEWG room at that time. The committee was clear that any concept-specific prefix or postfix (or even a dedicated namespace) is not the right way to go. Also, the cases we analyzed at that time were different i.e. std::ranges::sentinel means a concept but there is no type named sentinel in the ranges library. If it was, we would have big naming issues there. Now when we have quantity and Quantity, unit and Unit, ratio and Ratio, and more, we have to find out a good solution. We can add the prefix or suffix but I hope we can do something more consistent with the C++ Library or we will have the same discussion soon when we will try to standardize it.

I will try to consult it with some LEWG members and find the best solution.

mpusz avatar May 09 '20 09:05 mpusz

Experimenting with c++20 style concepts to design an angle type ( , I opted to use a postfix "_concept" naming rule to identify associated concepts.

(Bear with my use of concepts since I haven't used them much).

Nevertheless the resulting code purely seems to me to work well for legibility and understanding . In the brave new world of in code concept names to be added to all the other types of entity names there needs to be some way to distinguish concepts. It is just unrealistic to expect to find terse meaningful names ad-hoc, therefore using a consistent scheme seems to me to be the right way to go.

No more agonising and time wasting about entity naming and distinctiveness each time you wish to deal with a new concept, juts follow the rule so you can get on with other things. It just works...

#include <ratio>
#include <type_traits>

namespace std{ namespace experimental {

   namespace detail{
      template<typename T>
      inline constexpr bool is_ratio = false;

      template<typename T>
      inline constexpr bool is_angle = false;

      template<typename T>
      inline constexpr bool is_radian = false;

      template<typename T>
      inline constexpr bool is_real_number = false;


   template <typename T>
   concept ratio_concept = std::experimental::detail::is_ratio<T>;

   namespace  detail{
      template <std::intmax_t num, std::intmax_t den>
      inline constexpr bool is_ratio<std::ratio<num,den> > = true;

   template <typename T>
   concept angle_concept = std::experimental::detail::is_angle<T>;

   template <typename T>
   concept radian_concept = std::experimental::detail::is_radian<T>;

   template <typename T>
   concept floating_point_concept = std::is_floating_point_v<T>;

   template <typename T>
   concept arithmetic_concept = std::is_arithmetic_v<T>;

   template <typename T>
   concept real_number_concept = std::experimental::detail::is_real_number<T>;

   namespace detail{

       template<std::experimental::floating_point_concept T>
       inline constexpr bool is_real_number<T> = true;


   template <real_number_concept ValueType = double,ratio_concept Exponent = std::ratio<1U>>
   class radian;

   namespace detail{

      template <real_number_concept ValueType,ratio_concept Exponent>
      inline constexpr bool is_radian<std::experimental::radian<ValueType,Exponent> > = true;

      template <real_number_concept ValueType,ratio_concept Exponent>
      inline constexpr bool is_angle<std::experimental::radian<ValueType,Exponent> > = true;

   template <real_number_concept ValueType,ratio_concept Exponent>
   class radian{
      using exponent = typename Exponent::type;
      using value_type = ValueType;

      radian() = default;
      radian(const radian & ) = default;
      radian(radian &&) = default;

      // implicit construction from numeric
      constexpr radian( arithmetic_concept const & v) : m_value{v}{}

      constexpr radian operator + () { return *this;}
      constexpr radian operator - () { return - this->m_value;}

      constexpr value_type numeric_value()const { return m_value;}
       value_type m_value{};

   // addition only where exponent is the same
   template <radian_concept Lhs, radian_concept Rhs>
   inline constexpr auto 
   operator + (Lhs const & lhs, Rhs const & rhs) 
      requires  std::ratio_equal_v<
         std::ratio_subtract<typename Lhs::exponent,typename Rhs::exponent>,
      using value_type = std::common_type_t<typename Lhs::value_type,typename Rhs::value_type> ;
      using exponent = typename Lhs::exponent::type;
      typedef radian<value_type,exponent> result_type;
      return result_type{
          lhs.numeric_value() + rhs.numeric_value()

    // subtraction only where exponent is the same
   template <radian_concept Lhs, radian_concept Rhs>
   inline constexpr auto 
   operator - (Lhs const & lhs, Rhs const & rhs) 
      requires  std::ratio_equal_v<
         std::ratio_subtract<typename Lhs::exponent,typename Rhs::exponent>,
      using value_type = std::common_type_t<typename Lhs::value_type,typename Rhs::value_type> ;
      using exponent = typename Lhs::exponent::type;
      using result_type = radian<value_type,exponent>;
      return result_type{
          lhs.numeric_value() - rhs.numeric_value()

   template <radian_concept Lhs, radian_concept Rhs>
   inline constexpr auto 
   operator * (Lhs const & lhs, Rhs const & rhs) 
      requires  std::ratio_equal_v<
         std::ratio_add<typename Lhs::exponent,typename Rhs::exponent>,
      return lhs.numeric_value() * rhs.numeric_value();

   template <radian_concept Lhs, radian_concept Rhs>
   inline constexpr auto 
   operator * (Lhs const & lhs, Rhs const & rhs) 
      requires ! std::ratio_equal_v<
         std::ratio_add<typename Lhs::exponent,typename Rhs::exponent>,
      using value_type = std::common_type_t<typename Lhs::value_type,typename Rhs::value_type> ;
      using exponent = std::ratio_add<typename Lhs::exponent,typename Rhs::exponent>;
      using result_type = radian<value_type,exponent>;
      return result_type {lhs.numeric_value() * rhs.numeric_value()};

}} // std::experimental

struct dummy{};
int main()
   std::experimental::radian<double,std::ratio<2> > constexpr r = 1.2;

   std::experimental::angle_concept a = r;

   std::experimental::angle_concept b = r + r;

   std::experimental::radian<double,std::ratio<-2> > constexpr r1 = 1.2;
   std::experimental::angle_concept b1 = r1 + r1;

   std::experimental::radian<float,std::ratio<2> > constexpr rf = 1.2f;

   // should fail
   std::experimental::radian<int,std::ratio<2> > constexpr ri = 1;


kwikius avatar May 21 '20 10:05 kwikius

As I wrote, there was a long discussion about this. We always want to somehow mark "a new thing" as we are not to use it, we are a bit afraid of it (so we want to make sure it stands out in our code) and we assume that it will probably barely be used. This was of the main arguments against PascalCase for concepts. Defenders of this syntax claimed that PascalCase was not used because it is new or we are afraid of it but because this is how we typed concepts from 80's.

Anyway, it was decided that as we do not type _c postfix for classes we should not mark concepts in a special way (FYI, I was against it and voted for PascalCase). We can add _concept postfix to every concept in the library but when we will go with it to the Committee we will have to rename all of them again.

This is why I would like us to try to find a solution that matches ISO requirements or leave it as it is right now and leave the bikeshedding discussion to the LEWG room.

mpusz avatar May 24 '20 19:05 mpusz

We can add _concept postfix to every concept in the library but when we will go with it to the Committee we will have to rename all of them again.

No problem. And I thought of yet another benefit: Using _concept postfix all concepts will be easy to grep, when you want to rename them ;-)

kwikius avatar May 25 '20 07:05 kwikius would be a solution for snake-case types and equivalent pascal-case concepts, as you'd be able to write units::quantity auto delta{2q_m};. I don't remember its status, or if anyone commented about it at all on the Internet. It predates

JohelEGP avatar May 28 '20 19:05 JohelEGP

An alternative is to do away with some concepts that can't be directly renamed and instead use concepts like specialization_of, std::same_as, std::derived_from or whatever's best for a particular case. Not as concise, but works.

JohelEGP avatar May 28 '20 19:05 JohelEGP

My latest idea for this, use prefix in_ .

EDIT ( I am aware that we weren't allowed to identify bikes in the bike shed, by painting them blue, but I just decided to choose to paint them all blue incidentally ;-) )

Rationale : The overall problem is that a name x could represent a type or a concept aka a set of types, so prefix the concept with in to mean in the set of x, therefore by implication x is a set or a concept

(Edited to different prefix)

From To
units::DimensionOf units::in_dimension_of
units::QuantityOf units::in_quantity_of
units::Length units::in_length
units::Mass units::in_mass
units::Time units::in_time
units::Current units::in_current
units::Temperature units::in_temperature
units::Substance units::in_substance
units::LuminousIntensity units::in_luminous_intensity
units::Frequency units::in_frequency
units::Area units::in_area
units::Volume units::in_volume
units::Velocity units::in_velocity
units::Acceleration units::in_acceleration
units::Force units::in_force
units::Momentum units::in_momentum
units::Energy units::in_energy
units::Density units::in_density
units::Power units::in_power
units::Voltage units::in_voltage
units::ElectricCharge units::in_electric_charge
units::Capacitance units::in_capacitance
units::SurfaceTension units::in_surface_tension
units::Pressure units::in_pressure
units::MagneticInduction units::in_magnetic_induction
units::MagneticFlux units::in_magnetic_flux
units::Inductance units::in_inductance
units::Conductance units::in_conductance
units::CatalyticActivity units::in_catalytic_activity
units::AbsorbedDose units::in_absorbed_dose
units::CurrentDensity units::in_current_density
units::Concentration units::in_concentration
units::Luminance units::in_luminance
units::DynamicViscosity units::in_dynamic_viscosity
units::HeatCapacity units::in_heat_capacity
units::SpecificHeatCapacity units::in_specific_heat_capacity
units::MolarHeatCapacity units::in_molar_heat_capacity
units::ThermalConductivity units::in_thermal_conductivity
units::ElectricFieldStrength units::in_electric_field_strength
units::ChargeDensity units::in_charge_density
units::SurfaceChargeDensity units::in_surface_charge_density
units::Permittivity units::in_permittivity
units::Permeability units::in_permeability
units::MolarEnergy units::in_molar_energy
units::Bitrate units::in_bitrate
units::Information units::in_information

kwikius avatar Jun 07 '20 11:06 kwikius

It seems like this is the full list of concepts that cannot be easily renamed into snake_case due to naming conflicts, or am I missing some?

  • Ratio: all instantiations of ratio template
  • Prefix: all instantiations of prefix template
  • Quantity: all instantiations of quantity template
  • PrefixFamily: all derived from units::prefix_family
  • Unit: all derived from units::scaled_unit
  • BaseDimension: derived from units::base_dimension
  • DerivedDimension: "derived" from units::derived_dimension

For Ratio, Prefix, and Quantity, my personal preference is dropping those concepts, but you disagree. So what about renaming them to XXX_instantiation or XXX_inst or something along those lines? They are not generic concepts, they are merely shorthands for specifying template parameters. Their name should reflect those.

The other ones all match certain types who derived certain other types. It seems like the only purpose of the other types is to specify that some user-defined type models that concept. So I'd suggest you keep the name of the concepts as-is - this is the name users want to interact with when writing generic code. Instead, you should rename the type. Maybe something like XXX_base or enable_XXX (because base_dimension_base might be confusing)?

BTW, why is it Unit and not ScaledUnit?

foonathan avatar Jun 17 '20 14:06 foonathan

Thanks @foonathan! Yes, it seems is a full list of problematic framework types. However, there are some other potential conflicts there. For example:

I like your suggestions about adding _inst to some concepts. However, changing the types may lower compile-time errors and debugging experience as the user faces there types rather than concepts.

Regarding your question about Unit a scaled_unit is only a common base which is an implementation detail and user should never play with this type (probably it will even not be exposed in the public module interface). For many units the ratio is equal 1 so talking about a scaled unit, in this case, may be misleading. You can find a whole units hierarchy here:

mpusz avatar Jun 17 '20 19:06 mpusz

maybe type quantity could be renamed to basic_quantity following precedent of std::basic_string and free up quantity for the concept?

kwikius avatar Jun 22 '20 08:06 kwikius

However, changing the types may lower compile-time errors and debugging experience as the user faces there types rather than concepts.

How? It seems the type just inject a couple of members into the class, so they wouldn't even be strictly necessary.

foonathan avatar Jun 22 '20 10:06 foonathan


OK, maybe I was wrong and one step ahead. At least for now, with the dowcasting facility working as it is now, the end-user is nearly never facing those base classes. However, if we decide (or will be forced to disable) a downcasting facility than all of the results of calculations will result in those types and it will be up to the user to explicitly cast those results into the child classes that have more user-friendly names and additional type information (i.e. how to print a unit symbol on the screen). With this, I assume a user might be confused to see a type like enable_dervied_dimension in the debugger in a quantity type.

mpusz avatar Jun 22 '20 10:06 mpusz

maybe type quantity could be renamed to basic_quantity following precedent of std::basic_string and free up quantity for the concept?

This actually will always be visible to the user. For a function with the following definition:

Velocity auto avg_speed(Length auto l, Time auto t);

the user will see in the debugger:

avg_speed(basic_quantity<si::dim_length, si::metre, double> l, basic_quantity<si::dim_time, si::second, double> t)

As there will be no other types that will make basic_quantity a more defined entity I would not like to follow with this... The downcasting facility (as of now) does not downcast quantity(si::dim_length, ...) to si::length(...) as without strong typedefs in the language it is really hard to define a child class with exactly the same semantics as the base one (base class instantiation) in a few lines (i.e. importing all the constructors, operators, etc)...

mpusz avatar Jun 22 '20 10:06 mpusz

I am just suggesting rename :




therefore :

avg_speed(quantity<si::dim_length, si::metre, double> l, quantity<si::dim_time, si::second, double> t)


avg_speed(basic_quantity<si::dim_length, si::metre, double> l, basic_quantity<si::dim_time, si::second, double> t)

kwikius avatar Jun 22 '20 11:06 kwikius

For Ratio, Prefix, and Quantity, [...] They are not generic concepts, they are merely shorthands for specifying template parameters. [...]

'shorthands for specifying template parameters' seems to me an excellent and perfectly reasonable use for concepts just as a class template is merely a shorthand for specifying many types. Concepts is the next level of concision, which we have been waiting for for a long time, so let us use them! (The only time you really need to specify the class template parameters explicitly is when defining the class template)

template<std::intmax_t N, typename D, typename U, typename Rep>
  requires(N == 0)
inline Rep pow(const basic_quantity<D,U,Rep>&) noexcept
  return 1;

to :

template<std::intmax_t N, quantity Q>
  requires(N == 0)
inline Q::rep pow(const Q&) noexcept
  return 1;

kwikius avatar Jun 22 '20 12:06 kwikius

'shorthands for specifying template parameters' seems to me an excellent and perfectly reasonable use for concepts just as a class template is merely a shorthand for specifying many types.

I'd disagree. Concepts should be "open": user types should also be able to model it, otherwise you're just hard-coding types. For return types and variables you can use auto or CTAD:

auto foo() /* -> quantity */

auto q1 = foo();
quantity q2 = foo();

There is just no nice syntax for function parameters. While I agree that it would be nice to have something shorter, I'd rather have a designated language feature for it. Maybe CTAD can be extended to function parameters? Or some form of quanitty<auto> feature? I think that would be a better solution to the verbosity than using concepts.

foonathan avatar Jun 22 '20 19:06 foonathan

'shorthands for specifying template parameters' seems to me an excellent and perfectly reasonable use for concepts just as a class template is merely a shorthand for specifying many types.

I'd disagree. Concepts should be "open": user types should also be able to model it, otherwise you're just hard-coding types. For return types and variables you can use auto or CTAD:

In what I said as far as I know I never precluded that concepts be open...

auto foo() /* -> quantity */

auto q1 = foo();
quantity q2 = foo();

There is just no nice syntax for function parameters. While I agree that it would be nice to have something shorter, I'd rather have a designated language feature for it. Maybe CTAD can be extended to function parameters? Or some form of quanitty<auto> feature? I think that would be a better solution to the verbosity than using concepts.

Yet concepts work just fine. Why add yet another feature?

here is an example why it is superior to do things this way

See also where I lay out pretty much the same arguments, but in more detail

kwikius avatar Jun 23 '20 06:06 kwikius

Yet concepts work just fine.

If they worked fine, you would have a name for them...

here is an example why it is superior to do things this way

Yes, it's less typing.

foonathan avatar Jun 23 '20 07:06 foonathan

Yet concepts work just fine.

If they worked fine, you would have a name for them...

I'm not sure what you mean by that? You mean a name for the idiom, a name for this useage? or what? Its just another useful way to use concepts

here is an example why it is superior to do things this way

Yes, it's less typing.

No comment on the chrono duration integration example? Would you prefer to write overloads on types there?


  • easier to maintain
  • easier integration ; concepts not types
  • less typing
  • less noise
  • easier review
  • less time
  • less loc

Great news unless paid by the hour or kloc ;-)

kwikius avatar Jun 23 '20 07:06 kwikius

Yet concepts work just fine.

If they worked fine, you would have a name for them...

here is an example why it is superior to do things this way

Yes, it's less typing.

I think you now need to provide some actual argument why using explicit type templates is better. So far I have provided many for why using concepts is better.

otherwise I think it is just "style inertia"

kwikius avatar Jun 23 '20 07:06 kwikius

Yet concepts work just fine.

If they worked fine, you would have a name for them...

Ah you mean for the quantity concept? Somewhat unfair then , as that is what the thread is about. and I have suggested many options above

Here is my preference order for Quantity -->

  1. in_quantity -> " in the set of quantity " . concepts are easy to identify by the prefix, especially for someone not familiar with the code -- Great !
  2. quantity_concept as above. Even easier to understand, but longer to type
  3. quantity -> rename quantity type to basic_quantity or some such. Very poor review of concept names but if that is the style so be it.

kwikius avatar Jun 23 '20 07:06 kwikius

Ah, I didn't realize what exactly you've done in the chrono example, my apoligies. Let me elaborate.

In the current status of units, we have a quantity class template and a Quantity concept. Users presumably use the quantity class template. The Quantity concept matches all instantiations of the quantity class template - no other types, only instantiations of quantity. This was done to save typing and/or make function declarations nicer:

template <typename Dim, typename Unit, typename Rep>
void do_sth(quantity<Dim, Unit, Rep> q);
// vs
template <Quantity Q>
void do_sth(Q q);

auto give_sth();
// vs.
Quantity auto give_sth();

I am opposed to that particular use of concepts. It seems like a trick to save typing. This is evidenced by the fact that there is no good name for the Quantity concept besides a different casing. I think a far better solution would be a designated language feature and/or an extension of CTAD to allow treating quantity without template arguments similar to the concept.

What you've done in your PR is different: there you've used quantity as an "open" concept. Taking that further, users can write their own quantity types. Now if you write Quantity Q you no longer have some quantity instantiations, but any user-defined type that models it. This is how concept are supposed to be used, for entire families of types. I fully approve of your use of the Quantity concept.

In fact, I'd even take it one step further - don't have a quantity class at all, only a generic concept. This library provides the algorithms that work on it, and users can implement it for their own types. For example:

struct MyLength
   // some type that knows nothing about units, but happens to model the concept

Then you are truly programming in terms of concepts, not types.

With the current Quantity concept, you're not really doing that. You're just saving writing quantity<Dim, Unit, Rep> over and over again. Sure, I understand why that's nice, but I personally don't think it's necessary.

That being said, this isn't my library, do whatever you want with it. :)

foonathan avatar Jun 23 '20 07:06 foonathan

Here is my preference order for Quantity -->

1. in_quantity    ->   " in the set of quantity " . concepts are easy to identify by the prefix, especially for someone not familiar with the code -- Great !

2. quantity_concept  as above. Even easier to understand, but longer to type

3. quantity   ->  rename quantity type to basic_quantity or some such. Very poor review of concept names but if that is the style so be it.

The idea of the standard style "concepts should be snake_case without any special prefix or suffix identifying them as concepts", is to put concepts first. With modules and concepts, writing generic code has never been easier and library design should reflect that by giving concepts the nicer name.

You don't look at your types to find a concept, you look at your algorithms to find the concepts. Take a look at ranges, which uses concepts very idiomatically: all the nice names are concepts - forward_iterator, view, range etc. This is because the library prioritizes functions that operate on concepts over types.

foonathan avatar Jun 23 '20 08:06 foonathan