Michael Pollmeier

Results 98 comments of Michael Pollmeier

Did you read the Hidden.description yet? That explains it https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/codepropertygraph/blob/d825dfdc2e50f9f664b857c84cce1447c720f983/schema/src/main/scala/io/shiftleft/codepropertygraph/schema/Hidden.scala#L9-L14 For reference, and a bit more context: https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/codepropertygraph/pull/1340

I can see your point. @fabsx00 since you brought this in initially, do you have any thoughts on this?

the `drop` step let's you delete edges or vertices. which flavour of gremlin are you using? can you share some code?

Sure we can change the default back to 1000, but that's only covering the underlying issue, doesn't it? As @mpilquist mentioned, it's a bug in the syntax highlighting. So if...

Apart from the rendering being buggy, a major problem is that the rendering first transforms the results into a String (i.e. throwing away all type information), and then trying to...

not sure what that error is about, would be better to ask the orient guys, they are typically quite responsive. i typically let orient handle the connection for me. all...

is there anything on the orient server console?

Your analysis is correct. In the successor of this, overflowdb, there's only `long` ids, and I kicked out UUIDs along the way, mostly to keep the implementation simple. See https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/tinkergraph-gremlin#successor-notice-overflowdb...