GIF with the issue: More info here: I think your change log here basically sums up the issues, because downgrading the plugin seems to fix the issues. Your...
When drag parent post, the children posts don't refresh in ajax, i need press F5 or refresh page to view the new order. Possible to auto-refresh when drag the parent...
In the WordPress plugin library it says “Excluding custom query which uses order or orderby parameters, in get_posts or query_posts and so on.” but this does not seem to work,... Every time I edit a post the post goes to the first position in the category. I use APCu cache. When I turn off the APCu then everything works... o get this PHP error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction za upit UPDATE wp_posts as pt JOIN ( SELECT ID, (@row_number:=@row_number + 1) AS... When moving the post, the order is automatically saved in the admin but it takes between 5 and 10 minutes to impact the frontend. The site has approximately 6000...
Through a lot of trial and error we’ve found this plugin to be the culprit on a NGNIX server with a multi site wordpress install. The problem was that on...
I have SCPO set to order a custom taxonomy product-categories. When I use get_terms() and print_r the result, term_order which is the taxonomy equivalent of menu_order is not set so...