sectors-without-number copied to clipboard
Descriptions, Notes, Layers, and Routes not saved in JSON export
Notes raw data is currently unsaved in the JSON export. Suggest to encode it as x64 string so it can save special characters into the JSON file without causing errors. Things like brackets and quotation fields will probably mess with the data. (){}[]"" Entity description text, which is separate from notes, should probably also be saved this way. Mostly because both fields support markdown text. You would just need to decode it before it's pushed into a sector via import.
The example below has the saved x64 text under the content field.
"note": { "0c9k8QYpXGHK5uGgPR8n": { "attributes": { "content": "U2FtcGxlIGxpbmUgPGJyPgpOZXcgbGluZSAyClN1cHBvcnQgZm9yIGNoYXJhY3RlcnM6ICIiKCl7fVtd" }, "created": "2019-03-11T21:40:00.154Z", "creator": "", "image": "", "isHidden": true, "name": "Sample Name", "parent": "e1Bg9fTbiyjgi2stlVVs", "parentEntity": "planet", "updated": "2019-03-11T21:46:26.067Z" },
Saving Layers and Routes should be easier. Layers need the X: and Y: array of what tiles to color, and then the RGB color code itself. Routes need the Color and Line type, and a "From Position" and "To Position", the site can then glean the information from that and draw it as needed.
I lost two years worth of notes from a sector I made back in 2017. Because "Full backup" is not a full backup. Why this information was not saved to the JSON to begin with is more than agitating. The notes are more valuable than the sector itself, because that is trivial to recreate. Not saving that data because it's all internally referenced to files I have no access to.
It is not practical for a typical user to create their own webapp of a server from the github code to host their own. So for all users of the service you're providing, for which we are thankful, I would suggest getting this saved ASAP over the current top priority issue. So they can all then create backups of the updated sectors.
@HiPoEGH the export was never meant as a backup and "Full Backup" was never mentioned in any text on the website. In fact, the JSON export says Download the entire sector in JSON to import into any custom program.
which is what it's currently meant for.
I know this is frustrating and I absolutely agree with you that the export should be modified in this way. I'm sorry this happened.
As a side note, I found out it's possible to just save the description text as it is when it's exported to JSON, rather than converting it, but it needs to include slashes (\) to skip certain characters. So quotation marks (") become (\").