poetry-dotenv-plugin copied to clipboard
Use plugin in Github Actions CI/CD
I added the plugin via 'poetry add poetry-dotenv-plugin' to my dependencies and everything works for on local. However, in my CI/CD pipeline it can't find the environment variables from the .env file. What could be the issue?
# check-out repo and set-up python
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up python
id: setup-python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.10'
# ----- install & configure poetry -----
- name: Install Poetry
uses: snok/install-poetry@v1
virtualenvs-create: true
virtualenvs-in-project: true
installer-parallel: true
# load cached venv if cache exists
- name: Load cached venv
id: cached-poetry-dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: .venv
key: venv-${{ runner.os }}-${{ steps.setup-python.outputs.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('**/poetry.lock') }}
# install dependencies if cache does not exist
- name: Install dependencies
if: steps.cached-poetry-dependencies.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: poetry install --no-interaction
# run test suite
- name: Run tests
run: |
poetry run pytest -m unit
Have you tried to add the plugin to the poetry installation?
poetry self add poetry-dotenv-plugin