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Parallel Matrix Multiplication Using OpenMP, Phtreads, and MPI
Hochleistungsrechnen Assignment 1
Parallel Matrix Multiplication Using OpenMP, Phtreads, and MPI
The multiplication of two matrices is to be implemented as
- a sequential program
- an OpenMP shared memory program
- an explicitly threaded program (using the pthread standard)
- a message passing program using the MPI standard
Matrix multiplication
The aim is to multiply two matrices together.To multiply two matrices, the number of columns of the first matrix has to match the number of lines of the second matrix. The calculation of the matrix solution has independent steps, it is possible to parallelize the calculation.
Project Tree
|-- bin
| |-- mpi
| |-- omp
| |-- seq
| `-- thread2
|-- data
| |-- mat_4_5.txt
| `-- mat_5_4.txt
|-- src
| |-- matrix.c
| |-- matrix.h
| |-- mpi.c
| |-- omp.c
| |-- sequential.c
| |-- thread2.c
| `-- thread.c
|-- Makefile
|-- README.pdf
contains this document as a Markdown and a PDF file.
The python script
generates n x m
float matrices (This script is inspired by Philip Böhm's solution).
is a script that generates test matrices with the python script, compiles the C-programs with make
and executes the diffrent binaries with the test-matrices. The output of the script are the execution times of the particular implementations.
CFLAGS= -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -fopenmp
all: sequential omp thread2 mpi
$(CC) $(TUNE) $(CFLAGS) -o bin/seq $(LIBS) src/sequential.c
$(CC) $(TUNE) $(CFLAGS) -o bin/omp $(LIBS) src/omp.c
$(CC) $(TUNE) $(CFLAGS) -pthread -o bin/thread $(LIBS) src/thread.c
$(CC) $(TUNE) $(CFLAGS) -pthread -o bin/thread2 $(LIBS) src/thread2.c
mpicc $(TUNE) $(CFLAGS) -o bin/mpi $(LIBS) src/mpi.c
translates all implementations. The binary files are then in the bin/
The implementation thread2.c
is the final solution of the thread subtask. thread.c
was my first runnable solution but it is not fast(every row has one thread). I decided to keep it anyway, for a comparable set.
For the compiler optimization I have chosen "-02", the execution time was best here.
Every implementation needs 2 matrix files as program argument to calculate the result matrix to stdout
(bin/seq mat_file_1.txt mat_file_2.txt
The rows
are seperated by newlines(\n
) and the columns are seperated by tabular(\t
). The reason is the pretty output on the shell. All implementations calculate with floating-point numbers.
[mp432@localhost]% cat data/mat_4_5.txt
97.4549968447 4158.04953246 2105.6723138 9544.07472156 2541.05960201
1833.23353473 9216.3834844 8440.75797842 1689.62403742 4686.03507194
5001.05053096 7289.39586628 522.921369146 7057.57603906 7637.9829023
737.191477364 4515.30312019 1370.71005027 9603.48073923 7543.51110732
[mp432@localhost]% cat data/mat_5_4.txt
8573.64127861 7452.4636398 9932.62634628 1261.340226
7527.08499112 3872.81522875 2815.39747607 5735.65492468
7965.24212592 7428.31976294 290.255638815 5940.92582147
6175.98390217 5995.21703679 6778.73998746 9060.90690747
2006.95378498 6098.70324661 619.384482373 1396.62426963
[mp432@localhost]% bin/seq data/mat_4_5.txt data/mat_5_4.txt
112949567.256707 105187212.450287 79556423.335490 126508582.287008
172162416.208937 150764506.000392 60962563.539173 127174399.969315
160826865.507086 158278548.934611 122920214.859773 125839554.344572
125675943.680898 136743486.943968 90204309.448167 132523052.230353
The sequential program is used to compare and correctness to the other implementations. The following is an excerpt from the source code. Here is computed the result matrix.
for (int i = 0; i < result_matrix->rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < result_matrix->cols; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < m_1->cols; k++) {
result_matrix->mat_data[i][j] += m_1->mat_data[i][k] *
Thread (POSIX Threads)
from #include <unistd.h>
returns the number of processors, what is set as the thread number, to use the full capacity. The following excerpt shows the thread memory allocation.
int number_of_proc = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
// Allocate thread handles
pthread_t *threads;
threads = (pthread_t *) malloc(number_of_proc * sizeof(pthread_t));
Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP)
The standard shared-memory model is the fork/join model.
The OpenMP implementation is just the sequential program with the omp pragma #pragma omp parallel for
over the first for-loop. This pragma can only be used in the outer loop. Only there are independent calculations.
The performance increased about 40 percent compared to the sequential implementation.
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < result_matrix->rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < result_matrix->cols; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < m_1->cols; k++) {
result_matrix->mat_data[i][j] += m_1->mat_data[i][k] *
Message Passing Interface (MPI)
A difficulty it was the spread of the data to the worker.
At first, the matrix dimensions will be broadcast via MPI_Bcast(&matrix_properties, 4, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
to the workers.
The size of the matrices is fixed. Now the 2-Dim matrix is converted into a 1-Dim matrix. So it is easier and safer to distribute the matrix data.
This function gets a matrix struct and returns an 1-Dim data array.
double *mat_2D_to_1D(matrix_struct *m) {
double *matrix = malloc( (m->rows * m->cols) * sizeof(double) );
for (int i = 0; i < m->rows; i++) {
memcpy( matrix + (i * m->cols), m->mat_data[i], m->cols * sizeof(double) );
return matrix;
The second step is to broadcast the matrix data to the workers. Each worker computes its own "matrix area" with the mpi rank
. Disadvantage of this implementation is that first all the data are distributed.
The third step is to collect the data via
MPI_Gather(result_matrix, number_of_rows,
MPI_DOUBLE, final_matrix,
number_of_rows, MPI_DOUBLE,
At the end, the master presents the result matrix.
To compile and run the mpi implementation, it is necessary that
are in the search path. (e.g.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib/
Performance Test
The sirius cluster
was not available during task processing (specifically for the MPI program). Therefore, all performance tests were run on atlas
[mp432@atlas Parallel-Matrix-Multiplication-master]$ ./
generate test-matrices with python if no test data found
generate 5x4 matrix...
generate 100x100 matrix...
generate 1000x1000 matrix...
generate 5000x5000 matrix...
gcc -O2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -fopenmp -o bin/seq src/matrix.c src/sequential.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -fopenmp -o bin/omp src/matrix.c src/omp.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -fopenmp -pthread -o bin/thread2 src/matrix.c src/thread2.c
mpicc -O2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -fopenmp -o bin/mpi src/matrix.c src/mpi.c
* * * * * * * 100x100 Matrix
with sequential 0m0.032s
with omp 0m0.034s
with thread2 0m0.032s
with mpi(4p) 0m1.242s
* * * * * * * 1000x1000 Matrix
with sequential 0m11.791s
with omp 0m4.182s
with thread2 0m4.153s
with mpi(4p) 0m12.682s
* * * * * * * 5000x5000 Matrix
with sequential 26m52.342s
with omp 4m57.186s
with thread2 5m5.767s
with mpi(4p) 5m2.174s
The output times are the real times
from the unix time
You can see the advantages of parallel computation in the last matrix calculation. The parallel calculation is about 5 times faster (for large matrices).