sbt-idea copied to clipboard
The problem with downloading jar file
When I run sbt gen-idea, the building process hangs on the line [info] downloading ...
No warnings, no errors, just hanging and does nothing else. The file scala-reflect-2.10.2-javadoc.jar exists on the specified path and is loaded by the browser, but not loaded sbt.
Here is build.sbt:
name := "MyProject"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.10.3"
retrieveManaged := true
resolvers += "spray" at ""
resolvers += "" at ""
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.10" % "2.0" % "test",
"com.dongxiguo" %% "fastring" % "0.2.2",
"io.spray" %% "spray-json" % "1.2.5",
"javax.servlet" % "servlet-api" % "2.4",
"org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-server" % "9.1.1.v20140108",
"mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.12"
i've just tried it and it works fine (though I probably have this jar downloaded) does it hang every time you run it?
Yes, it happens every time, i can't generate the project structure for Idea. Maybe it is possible to download the file manually and add its local file system path to build.sbt, but I do not know what i must add to build.sbt for it. Sorry, i'm Scala and sbt newbie.
upd: I spent half a day with this problem, but now worked correctly. Magic.
so, does it work now?
Yes, it works and I did not understand what was going on.
glad it works now I suggest to close the issue until we can reproduce it 100%