variant icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
variant copied to clipboard

Clang V7.1.0 warning

Open hkaiser opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments

We are seeing this warning while #including <variant.hpp> (V1.4.0) when using Clang 7.1.0:

/hpx/source/libs/datastructures/include/hpx/datastructures/detail/variant.hpp:2243:22: error: constructor accepting a forwarding reference can hide the copy and move constructors [bugprone-forwarding-reference-overload,-warnings-as-errors]
    inline constexpr variant(Arg &&arg) noexcept(
/hpx/source/libs/datastructures/include/hpx/datastructures/detail/variant.hpp:2231:5: note: copy constructor declared here
    variant(const variant &) = default;
/hpx/source/libs/datastructures/include/hpx/datastructures/detail/variant.hpp:2232:5: note: move constructor declared here
    variant(variant &&) = default;

Anything we can do about this?

hkaiser avatar Aug 25 '19 22:08 hkaiser

I think the only thing we could do probably is to #pragma disable the warning.

mpark avatar Aug 26 '19 03:08 mpark

I think the only thing we could do probably is to #pragma disable the warning.

@mpark: yes, I agree.

hkaiser avatar Aug 26 '19 10:08 hkaiser