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A thought experiment in bringing the semantics of Haskell's partial application of operators to Swift.
Partially Applied Operators
A thought experiment in bringing the semantics of Haskell's partial application of operators to Swift.
In functional programming languages, currying enables the partial application of functions. For example, consider a function add
that takes two integer arguments and returns their sum. Currying allows a single argument to be passed to add
to create a new function. This new function takes only a single integer argument and returns its sum with the first argument passed. When add
is passed only a single argument, it is partially applied.
In a language like Haskell, functions that take multiple arguments are inherently curried. For example, here is the signature of add
in Haskell:
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
Notice how the return ->
separates not just the arguments from the return type, but also the arguments from one another. In Swift, we might think to write the signature of add
like so:
func add(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> Int
However, when defined in this manner, add
is not curried. To make use of add
as a curried function in Swift, we would write its signature in a different way:
func add(_ x: Int) -> (_ y: Int) -> Int
This curried add
would be used slightly differently from how we defined it initially:
// Using definition 1:
add(2, 4) // 6
// Using definition 2:
add(2)(4) // 6
While the extra pair of parentheses is unappealing, we gain powerful functionality through currying:
let add2 = add(2)
add2(4) // 6
add2(10) // 12
In this way, currying allows for composable, reusable functions.
Since operators are really just infix functions with special symbols, they can also be partially applied. Partially appplied operators are especially useful for mapping over or filtering a list:
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
map (+2) numbers -- [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
filter (>=3) numbers -- [3, 4, 5]
In Swift, we can do something similar using trailing closure syntax:
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] { $0 + 2 } // [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
numbers.filter { $0 >= 3 } // [3, 4, 5]
However, there is a key difference here: in the Haskell example, we make use of operators without explicitly identifying their operands—this is called point-free style. In Swift, we identify the operand in the map or filter with $0
The goal of this project is to bring the semantics of Haskell's partially applied operators to Swift:
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
numbers.filter(>=3) // [3, 4, 5]
The built-in operators defined in the Swift Standard Library are not curried. We could curry them using a helper function, but calling curry
whenever we partially apply an operator would be inelegant and obscure our intent.
Instead, we define "unary" versions of the infix operators in order to partially apply them. For example, our add
example from above becomes
prefix func + <T: Numeric> (rhs: T) -> (_ lhs: T) -> T {
return { $0 + rhs }
Where possible, we define both prefix and postfix versions of operators:
postfix func + <T: Numeric> (lhs: T) -> (_ rhs: T) -> T {
return { lhs + $0 }
Defining both versions is most important for operations that are not commutative, such as division.
Some limitations are imposed on operator declarations in certain contexts:
- The less-than symbol
cannot be used as a prefix operator, and the greater-than symbol>
cannot be used as a postfix operator. These symbols are reserved in these contexts to avoid compiler confusion in identifying generics. - An overloaded prefix
on Numeric types is not properly interpreted by the compiler. Interestingly,+
does not have this problem despite also being already defined as a prefix operator on Numeric types. - Prefix
is reserved for passing variables as inout parameters, so it cannot be used as a prefix in partially applying the bitwise AND operator.* - Postfix operators cannot begin with '!' because of its use with Optionals, which prevents the postfix definitions of
.* - Postfix operators cannot begin with '?' because of its use with Optionals, which prevents the postfix definition of
* In practice, the restrictions on these operators are trivial since their operations are commutative, and either their prefix or postfix version can be implemented without issues.
Looking Forward
While SE-002 removed previous syntax for currying, it also included some brief thoughts on the future of currying in Swift. While we have yet to see movement on this front, inherently curried functions would have significant implications for the functional Swift community. Hopefully, the syntax introduced through this project will one day be native to Swift through built-in partial function application.