M Pacer

Results 54 issues of M Pacer

Add the ability to cite papers in a possessive form (which is otherwise impossible to do with natbib). Fix drawn from: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/125690/bibtex-and-genitive-possessive-s-the-proper-way-to-obtain-kurans-1989-mo really this should be built into natbib, but...

It should not be hard to use the [`glossaries` LaTeX package](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/glossaries?lang=en) as part of the default template. If I have time, I may try to implement a version of this...

So, I've been using SublimeText3 with the [LaTeXtools package](https://github.com/SublimeText/LaTeXTools) and the build command by default there mostly works. It also allows backrefs for getting autocompletions for references, citations and other...

Sometimes it is desirable to export a single chapter at a time to send to your committee so they dont' have to dive through a bunch of lorem ipsum for...

The fonts we provide right now are lacking some unicode characters including ⤞ and ⇥. Not worth ditching EBGaramond, but maybe there should be a call put out for people...

So for the Berkeley template I had to add the `xcolor` package so as to use the HTML codes provided by the Berkeley web color palette website. In general, I...

Berkeley demands the following "proper order" for its sections - Title Page - Copyright page or a blank page - Abstract - Optional preliminary pages such as: - Dedication page...

Codemirror modes are being correctly picked up in the classic notebook UI but not respected in commuter. On commuter ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2482408/58201119-2d118f00-7c89-11e9-91e4-91c30204814f.png) On classic: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2482408/58201157-41ee2280-7c89-11e9-9ca7-1ebd2624dc7d.png)

The current configuration approach does not scale nicely when looking to add functionality like cloning from multiple buckets. I propose we have a jsonschema + json file based approach to...

So I'm guessing this is a pretty much impossible feature request, but I was running into a tiny bug in responding to https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/pull/500 and testing the resulting docs. I changed...
