Mark Paluch
Mark Paluch
Seems the required information cannot be retrieved reliably as per
We don't have an adoption timeline for Netty 4 yet. R2DBC intentionally remains with a low baseline to enable reactive database connectivity for applications that are required to remain on...
This is by design as the base repository class is parametrized using the entity information and EntityManager. `JpaEntityInformation` is specific to each repository and therefore, we cannot let the Spring...
You can take a more invasive approach by subclassing `JpaRepositoryFactory` and overriding `getTargetRepository(…)`. For your case, you must provide `AutowireCapableBeanFactory` to your `JpaRepositoryFactory` subclass and call `autowire` on the resulting...
Thank you for your contribution. That's merged and polished now.
From the exception, I assume JSQLParser is throwing the exception.
Do you happen to have a profiler recording that you could attach to this ticket? I'm wondering whether we could generally have some caching to avoid parsing the query over...
#3039 should remove some pressure as we now use the parsed statement for detection operations. It should be possible to construct count and sorting query enhancements from the parsed AST...
For the time being, if JSqlParser hinders you, please implement custom repository fragments and use the `EntityManager` directly. We won't get to work on this one nearterm.
We have a design to provide `QueryEnhancer` for a `DeclaredQuery` (query string, native true/false) from a `QueryEnhancerSelector` that could be configured via `@EnableJpaRepositories(queryEnhancerSelector = …)`. Our design requires a bit...