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Use Linux(centos7), Runing LightGBM In Pypy3, An exception occurs when I run the following code ``` import joblib lgb = joblib.load('./catigory_xh.pkl') for k in lgb.feature_name(): print(k); ``` Error Info ```...

I am a PyPy dev, and am considering how we can use some of the nice CI providers available to github projects but not available to other code hosting sites...

I install project dependencies with "poetry install --no-dev", but failed ! > - Updating greenlet (0.4.13 /usr/local/pypy3.7-v7.3.5-linux64/lib_pypy -> 1.1.0) [EnvCommandError] Command ['/usr/local/pypy/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'uninstall', 'greenlet', '-y'] errored with the...

Even finding the whole web didn't a way to install opencv through pip or local install it always fails Please we need opencv and numpy for pypy ![image](

I am running into a problem with running NURBS-Python and the NURBS-Python_Examples when running with pypy3 returning "ImportError: cannot import name 'ft2font'" and similar errors. My only guess at this...

Feel free to create an issue to the official repository if you have any issues about PyPy:

Im using anaconda's pip as a command line default and have quite a lot of packages already. I just want to make sure the pypy installation done using pip can...

The links under the "Layers" [RPython]( subsection are all broken in some way. The first, [:ref:`RPython `](, points to, which is just the same page. The second, [Getting Started...

> PyPy has moved its canonical repo and issue tracker from to

``` # -*- coding:gbk -*- # import itertools cards=[[i,j,k,l] for i in range(1,11) for j in range(i,11)for k in range(j,11)for l in range(k,11)] def twentyfour(cards): '''史上最短计算24点代码''' for nums in itertools.permutations(cards):...