Huang Huang

Results 149 comments of Huang Huang

+1 for this feature. One use case: The server of `ALICLOUD_CREDENTIALS_URI` will exposes the credential data to containers inside or outside of ECS hosts, allowing you to provide scoped IAM...

@mattip Sorry for my late reply. > I am curious how you are mirroring this I mirrored this via a fork version of > Is there a machine running...

@mattip Thanks for your share, I'll try it when I start to merge the job.

@mattip Just create a demo for mirror hg repo with github action ( via ) and it works: This repo will mirror to BTW, I am...

> I mirrored this via a fork version of fingolfin/git-remote-hg Sorry for this message, I misremembered. In fact, I used a fork version of, I have pushed the modified...

It'll recreate the repo all over again, but `git push` will only push the changes.

Sorry, but this repository just is an unofficial read only mirror, please create an issue to the official repository: Thanks!

@liaohengchen 嗯,是有这个问题。这个项目目前没解决多音字的问题。

@zhuangh 是的,暂时还没有好的办法来解决这类问题。