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[a11y] /contact page accessibility improvements
Axe-core® Accessibility Results for /en-US/contact/
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axe-core found 5 violations
# | Description | Axe rule ID | WCAG | Impact | Count |
1 | ARIA role should be appropriate for the element | aria-allowed-role | Best practice | minor | 1 |
2 | Heading levels should only increase by one | heading-order | Best practice | moderate | 1 |
3 | <li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol> |
listitem | WCAG 2 Level A, WCAG 1.3.1 | serious | 3 |
- ARIA role should be appropriate for the element
Best practice
Ensure role attribute has an appropriate value for the element
Issue Tags: cat.aria best-practice
# | Issue Description | To solve this violation, you need to... |
1 | Element location<br>.category-tabs<br> Element source <br><ul class="category-tabs" role="navigation"><br> |
Fix any of the following: * ARIA role navigation is not allowed for given element |
- Heading levels should only increase by one
Best practice
Ensure the order of headings is semantically correct
Issue Tags: cat.semantics best-practice
# | Issue Description | To solve this violation, you need to... |
1 | Element location<br>.contact-section:nth-child(1) > h4<br> Element source <br><h4>Find us online</h4><br> |
Fix any of the following: * Heading order invalid |
- elements must be contained in a
- or
WCAG 2 Level A, WCAG 1.3.1
Issue Tags: cat.structure wcag2a wcag131 EN-301-549 EN-
# | Issue Description | To solve this violation, you need to... |
1 | Element location<br>.current<br> Element source <br><li class="current" data-id="contact"><br> <a href="/en-US/contact/">Contact us</a><br> </li><br> |
Fix any of the following: * List item parent element has a role that is not role="list" |
2 | Element location<br>li[data-id="spaces"]<br> Element source <br><li data-id="spaces"><br> <a href="/en-US/contact/spaces/">Spaces</a><br> </li><br> |
Fix any of the following: * List item parent element has a role that is not role="list" |
3 | Element location<br>li[data-id="communities"]<br> Element source <br><li data-id="communities"><br> <a href="">Communities</a><br> </li><br> |
Fix any of the following: * List item parent element has a role that is not role="list" |