addon-compatibility-reporter copied to clipboard
Window resize all the time while sending
The window (tool-tip) of ACR resizes all the time while sending the complete list of add-ons.
Thank you for the report.
Can you please provide some more details about your setup? Also, maybe a video that shows the issue? It works just fine for me.
Sorry for the missing info! Latest version of Fx56 (64bit, E10s) on Win7. Have no tool to make a video... I have bars in the report-dialog at about:addons, too. Guess the same problem.
It works just fine for me in Firefox 56.
Here are two screenshots of it.
Does that happen in Firefox 55 too?
Does it happen in Firefox 56 if you set 'browser.photon.structure.enabled' to false
Happens with Fx56 with 'browser.photon.structure.enabled' set to 'false', too.
Happens with Fx55 (64bit), too.
I still can't reproduce. Can you explain what the difference is between the first and the second screenshot? Are there any steps you have to do to see that?
In the initial comment, you mentioned "while sending the complete list of add-ons". However, the list of add-ons shouldn't be shown during send.
Please be as detailed as possible. As long as I can't reproduce the issue locally, I cannot debug and fix it.
Thank you for your help!
Also, it might be related to the add-ons you have installed.
Could you please go to "about:support", click on "copy raw data to clipboard" and paste it here? Thanks!
- Click the ACR-Icon in the toolbar
- Get the window "Are Your Add-ons Working?" and see 4 add-ons in the list
- While loading the window, I can see for some ms a reloading of the window with half high (Reproducible for me with just opening and closing the ACR!)
- Press "Submit"
- Now comes a "Sending Reports"
- After that, the list with "Are Your Add-ons Working?" comes back and seems to send out
- The list of add-ons is now always reloading
- While reloading, the window resizes (Seems the list with add-ons is one time two AO high, next time 4 AO high, then two, again.)
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I think this is due to the fact that you have over 100 add-ons installed and it takes the add-on a bit to fetch all of them. Unfortunately, there are circumstances where we calculate the size of the panel unnecessarily, but that's not easy to fix and quite old code that seems quite fragile.
Given that we don't know yet what's going to happen with the add-on in Firefox 57+, I'm not sure how much time we can invest in this, given that we're focusing on WebExtensions. I'd welcome a well-defined and clean patch though!