abra copied to clipboard
'align_to_contig.sam.sai' : No such file or directory
Producing this error with our own bams using v0.79 built on Mountain Lion. However, using the demo bam and bed file included with abra runs perfectly.
Command: java -Xmx16G -jar $JAR --in $inputBam --out ${inputBam/bam/realigned.bam} --ref /seq/data/GATK_Bundles/hg19/ucsc.hg19.fasta --targets $targets --threads 8 --working /Volumes/fastdata/tmp/abraTest > abra_test.log
Error message: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: BWA exited with non-zero return code : [1] for command: [bwa samse /Volumes/fastdata/tmp/abraTest/clean_contigs.fasta /Volumes/fastdata/tmp/abraTest/temp1/align_to_contig.sam.sai /Volumes/fastdata/tmp/abraTest/temp1/original_reads.fastq.gz -n 1000 > /Volumes/fastdata/tmp/abraTest/temp1/align_to_contig.sam] at abra.Aligner.runCommand(Aligner.java:66) at abra.Aligner.shortAlign(Aligner.java:86) at abra.ReAligner.alignToContigs(ReAligner.java:1006) at abra.ReAligner.alignReads(ReAligner.java:525) at abra.ReAligner.alignReads(ReAligner.java:385) at abra.ReAligner.reAlign(ReAligner.java:193) at abra.ReAligner.run(ReAligner.java:1282) at abra.Abra.main(Abra.java:12)
bwa error message: [bwa_sai2sam_se_core] fail to open file '/Volumes/fastdata/tmp/abraTest/temp1/align_to_contig.sam.sai' : No such file or directory
bwa version used for with Abra: 0.7.9a-r786 bwa version used for original alignment: 0.7.6a-r433 javac: 1.7.0_67
I know the log files are ridiculously big right now, but could you zip and send to me?
lmose at unc dot edu
bwa appears to be ignoring the -f flag and is writing SAI output directly to stdout. Possibly specific to Mountain Lion. Attempting to gain access to a Mountain Lion environment to confirm.
I'd also recommend switching to the latest version of BWA. This thread mentions a critical bug in BWA 0.7.9a-r786.