Denis Moyogo Jacquerye
Denis Moyogo Jacquerye
Xavánte [xav] uses 3 orthographies. [Pickering 2010 p. 171]( shows a comparison between the 3. The current SIL orthography uses â instead of ö and uses ĩ̱ for first person...
The design_requirements for Dutch [nld] are misleading: The design requirements should say that "The <j> should lose its dot when combined with a combining acute for when the acute...
On should be able to make a variable font with the default location at any instance, including one that has no master.
La section 6.3.1 «Signes diacritiques pris en charge» contient le paragraphe suivant : > Certaines combinaisons de diacritique et de lettre n’existent pas sous forme précomposée dans la norme ISO/IEC...
U+030F, U+0311, U+0326 are non-spacing combining characters they should have zero advance-width. In Oswald they are spacing characters, this is not correct. Furthermore, to be fully useable they should be... Test value metrics should have vertical equivalents: height, tsb, bsb. There probably should also be vertical equivalents to rise and fullwidth.
See: - [Muhdú pámeere páné iiñujɨ́ri ijcyáné mɨ́amúnaa meíjcyáiyóne](, Ministerio de Educación, 1988 ([PDF]( - Muhdú pámeere páné iiñujɨ́ri ijcyáné mɨ́amúnaa meíjcyáiyóne, OHCHR ([PDF]( Note has ɨ mistakenly replaced...
The scanned copy of the Ministry of Education’s translation of the UDHR [_Tu̱choda ti̱taju̱ nijya̱nvajyu̱ vurya̱tidye vichasara samirya variy_]( ([PDF](, which seem to be the origin of the OHCHR copy,...