plupload copied to clipboard
Upload not works on android wechat
on iOS Uploading works very well, but on android wechat within some wifi network,FilesAdded
, BeforeUpload
, UploadFile
and UploadProgress
events triggerd but FileUploaded
didn't. there's even no request on server logs, but switch to connect with my iOS hotspot, it works well.
it's really really weird ! here is the config:
webUploader = new plupload.Uploader({
runtimes : 'html5, flash, html4',
browse_button : pickerId,
max_file_size : '10mb',
url : uploadUrl,
flash_swf_url : '/uploader.swf',
filters : [ { title : "图片文件", extensions : "jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp" } ],
file_data_name : 'file',
multipart : true,
multi_selection : false,
dragdrop : false,
max_retries : 3,
multipart_params: { authenticity_token: $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') }
Same here
Hi, guys, Not working in wechat ? Solution is here :
@colorwin @dfang
@suhaotian I use version 2.3, but I can't find this line:
"image/jpeg,jpg jpeg jpe," +
I find 3.x has this line, but it seem not compatible to my project.
@colorwin Here:
@suhaotian Thanks, I find it.
Did adding image/jpg
mime-type solve the problem?
@colorwin sorry not familiar with wechat is it messaging app? does it use Plupload to upload something?
@jayarjo Yeah, wechat is a messaging app in China, it can browse web in inner app. It use itself X5 blink which seem based on webkit.
Some android phones user report some upload problems in wechat's inner browser(I use Plupload to do upload job):
- Click the file button but no response.(major)
- No response after file choose.
- Can't use system album, only can use picture.
But I also can't appear these issue. After adding image/jpg mime-type
, the report seem become less, but still have. At the last, my boss transfer the upload file job to APP, so I am sorry to not know more.
Last but not least, my boss guess that some ardroid phone are too old to tune up andriod webview. I am in China, but our user are major in foreign country. Network related?
is kind of invalid mime-type, that's why I was wondering. Can you specify an exact platform that has these problems all the time? So that we could reproduce the problem reliably.
@suhaotian what was the Android platform in your case?
@jayarjo It's wechat's webview bug, not android ~
@suhaotian so wechat's webview bug for some reason requires invalid jpeg mime type (image/jpg
Also do you know if this happens with other file types, or only - jpegs?
Yes, wechat's webview bug for some reason requires invalid jpeg mime type (image/jpg).
I can't answer second question, Maybe tonight go home test it with .png
@suhaotian Thanks for sharing :) I met a problem on android wechat. The wechat webview pop up a toast of "No apps can perform this action." I left this hint for the rest people who have the same problems : P