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Collaborative Realtime Texteditor with gRPC

Collaborative Realtime Texteditor Build Status

Collaborative realtime texteditor with gRPC using RGAs (Replicated Growable Arrays).

Screenshoot Collaborative Texteditor

With the collaborative realtime texteditor several users can edit documents together in realtime. Via Remote-Cursors the current editing positions of the other users are always visible.

The implementation of the collaborative realtime editor is using a variant of RGAs (Replicated Growable Arrays). The RGA-protocol is implemented as Timestamped Insertion Tree (TI Tree) and guarantees "Eventual Consistency".

For more details about the implementation see:

Running the project

The project is built with docker-compose. Before getting started you have to install docker-compose.

You can start the production-configuration with the following docker-compose command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build

Open a browser tab, and go to: http://localhost:8081/index.html

To shutdown the containers: docker-compose down

Local development

Remote debugging and hot reloads

The dev-configuration uses hot-reloads (for js and scss files) and offers remote debugging for go files via delve.

Create a "Go Remote Debugging"-Configuration in your IDE and listen to port 40000.

Start the dev-configuration with:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build

Compiling proto files for go

go get -u
go get -u

protoc -I collabTexteditorService/ collabTexteditorService/collabTexteditorService.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:collabTexteditorService

Compiling proto files for js

protoc -I collabTexteditorService collabTexteditorService/collabTexteditorService.proto \
--js_out=import_style=commonjs:./frontend/src \

Debugging with docker

To open the console of a specific container run:

docker exec -it collaborative-text-editor_frontend-client_1 /bin/bash

The following command gives you a list of status of all containers:

docker-compose ps

Bundling and building js-Frontend

npm install
npm run build