pasthis icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pasthis copied to clipboard

Simple stupid pastebin


Pasthis is a pastebin written in PHP using SQLite as database backend, prettify to handle syntax highlighting and skeleton. This project is licensed under GPLv2+.

Pasthis screenshot

Privacy, security, simplicity

  • Expired pastes are automatically deleted.
  • Paste IDs aren't predictable (their URL cannot be guessed easily).
  • No statistics, counter or public list of pastes is available.
  • The use of HTTPS to post or get the pastes is enforced.
  • A trivial anti-spam filter is built-in.
  • By default the content is not formatted nor changed in any way (no wrap, no syntax highlighting). It is a user driven choice to do so.
  • Pastes can be displayed as raw.
  • A command-line tool can be downloaded to post pastes directly from terminals.
  • Tabulations are handled within the textarea to avoid changing the focus.
  • The design is mobile friendly (responsive) :blush:


  1. Download Pasthis.
  2. Configure the web server:
  3. Make sure that the folder is readable and writable by www-data, since this is required by PHP to be able to create the SQLite database.

It is required to call the cron method on a regular basis to delete expired pastes, as a privacy concern. To do this on a GNU/Linux machine edit the /etc/crontab file and add the following line:

*/10 * * * * www-data php /path/to/pasthis/index.php

Be aware expired pastes can only be deleted when requested or when the cron method is called. Without the previous cron configuration, their deletion can't be ensured. They just won't be displayed.


  1. Update to the latest version (keep the database!).
  2. Run php update.php.

Command line tool

A command line tool is available allowing you to post files. In order to take advantage of this utility, download it, make it executable and display the help output for more information:

chmod +x ./
./ --help
./ --url file.txt


Every time a paste is sent, a value (called degree) is associated to the poster's ip hash. It is used in the following formula:

T = time() + intval(pow(degree, 2.5))

If the user posts another paste after T, the degree is reset to zero. If he tries before T, the degree is incremented, and the paste is denied.

There is also an hidden field, that set the degree to 512 (which corresponds to ~72h) if filled.