golang-repo-template icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
golang-repo-template copied to clipboard

🌀 A template for creating new Golang + Docker + Canonical Domain + Badges + Dependabot + Renovate + GolangCI-lint + Goreleaser + GitHub Actions + Gitpod + Depaware + Git Hooks + ...


:smile: golang-repo-template

go.dev reference License GitHub release Docker Metrics Made by Manfred Touron

Go Release PR GolangCI codecov Go Report Card CodeFactor

Gitpod ready-to-code


foo@bar:~$ golang-repo-template
            _                                                   _                      _        _
 __ _  ___ | | __ _  _ _   __ _  ___  _ _  ___  _ __  ___  ___ | |_  ___  _ __   _ __ | | __ _ | |_  ___
/ _` |/ _ \| |/ _` || ' \ / _` ||___|| '_|/ -_)| '_ \/ _ \|___||  _|/ -_)| '  \ | '_ \| |/ _` ||  _|/ -_)
\__, |\___/|_|\__,_||_||_|\__, |     |_|  \___|| .__/\___/      \__|\___||_|_|_|| .__/|_|\__,_| \__|\___|
|___/                     |___/                |_|                              |_|
12 CPUs, /home/moul/.local/bin/golang-repo-template, fwrz, go1.16.5


Using go

go get moul.io/golang-repo-template


See https://github.com/moul/golang-repo-template/releases


Contribute <3

I really welcome contributions. Your input is the most precious material. I'm well aware of that and I thank you in advance. Everyone is encouraged to look at what they can do on their own scale; no effort is too small.

Everything on contribution is sum up here: CONTRIBUTING.md

Dev helpers

Pre-commit script for install: https://pre-commit.com

Contributors ✨

All Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Manfred Touron

🚧 📖 ⚠️ 💻



This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


© 2021 Manfred Touron

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE) or the MIT license (LICENSE-MIT), at your option. See the COPYRIGHT file for more details.

SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)