PellMon copied to clipboard
Protocol error, wrong length
It seems there is a protocol error - so no data are fetched.
Pellmon running as docker image - "lakelake/pellmon:latest".
MQTT configured via docker config.
Log snip:
No option 'plugin_dirs' in section: 'plugin_settings'
No module named RPi.GPIO
find controller retry 0 protocol_error('wrong length',)
wait controller
wait controller
find controller retry 1 proto
Furnace is a BS+, controller version 13.1016.14.
Is this an error?
Full log attached. pellmon.csv
Sorry, I don't know anything about docker. It clearly can't talk to your burner but I don't know how to help you with that.
Sorry, I don't know anything about docker. It clearly can't talk to your burner but I don't know how to help you with that.
Ok, thanks anyway. But the network seems to be correct, since pellmon finds the correct IP address of the burner. If anybody else knows something about this, I'd love to figure out the problem.
Issue #101 indicates that this should work.
Looks like the same issue as #118, the protocol in your controller version seems to have changed.