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Client library for motionEye

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motionEye Client

A simple async API client for motionEye.

Constructor arguments

The following arguments may be passed to the MotionEyeClient constructor:

Argument Type Default Description
url str URL of the motionEye server
admin_username str admin The motionEye admin username
admin_password str "" The motionEye admin password
surveillance_username str user The motionEye surveillance username
surveillance_password str "" The motionEye surveillance password
session aiohttp.ClientSession None Optional aiohttp session to use

This client needs both admin and surveillance passwords in order to interact with the API (which generally require the admin user), as well as prepare the URLs for data streaming (which require the surveillance user).

Primary Client Methods

All async calls start with async_, and return the JSON response from the server (if any).


Login to the motionEye server. Not actually necessary, but useful for verifying credentials.


Close the client session. Always returns True.


Get the motionEye server manifest (e.g. server version number).


Get the main motionEye server config.


Get the listing of all cameras.


Get the configuration of a single camera. Takes an integer camera_id argument.


Set the configuration of a single camera. Takes an integer camera_id argument, and a dictionary of the same format as returned by async_get_camera.


Perform a motionEye action on a camera. Takes an integer camera_id argument and an action string.

Common actions include snapshot, record_start and record_stop. motionEye also supports other user configurable actions which may be called in this manner. See Action Buttons for more details.


Get a list of recorded movies for a given camera_id. Accepts a prefix argument that gives a path prefix to list (does not recurse).


Get a list of saved images for a given camera_id. Accepts a prefix argument that gives a path prefix to list (does not recurse).

Convenience Methods


Convenience method to take a camera dictionary (returned by async_get_camera or async_get_cameras) and return True if the camera has video stream enabled.


Convenience method to take a camera dictionary (returned by async_get_camera or async_get_cameras) and return the string URL of the streamed content (which can be opened separately). This extracts the hostname out of the motionEye URL and attaches the streaming port to it -- depending on the configuration this may not necessarily lead to an accessible URL (e.g. in the use of motionEye behind a reverse proxy).

Will raise MotionEyeClientURLParseError if the hostname cannot be extracted from the motionEye server URL.


Convenience method to take a camera dictionary (returned by async_get_camera or async_get_cameras) and return the string URL of a single still frame.


Convenience method to take a camera id and the path to a saved movie, and return a link to playback the movie. Takes a preview argument that if True returns a URL to a thumbnail.


Convenience method to take a camera id and the path to a saved image, and return a link to that image. Takes a preview argument that if True returns a URL to a thumbnail.

is_file_type_image / is_file_type_movie

Determine if a given file_type int (from a web hook callback) represents an image or a movie respectively.

Context Manager

The client may be used in as a context manager, which will automatically close the session.

async with client.MotionEyeClient("http://localhost:8765", ) as mec:
    if not mec:

Exceptions / Errors


A generic base class -- all motionEye client exceptions inherit from this.


Invalid authentication detected during a request.


Connected failed to given URL.


Unable to parse the required URL.


Unable to parse a path.


A request failed in some other undefined way.

Simple Example

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Client test for motionEye."""
import asyncio

from motioneye_client.client import MotionEyeClient

async def query_motioneye_server() -> None:
    """Test the motionEye client."""
    async with MotionEyeClient("http://localhost:8765") as client:
        if not client:

        manifest = await client.async_get_manifest()
        print(f"Manifest: {manifest}")

        camera_list = await client.async_get_cameras()
        print(f"Cameras: {camera_list}")


Building / Testing

This library is built using Poetry.


$ poetry build


$ poetry run pytest

Updating Dependencies

Updating dependencies:

$ poetry update

Exporting to requirements.txt and requirements_dev.txt:

$ poetry export --without-hashes -o requirements.txt
$ poetry export --without-hashes --dev -o requirements_dev.txt


Publish the package to the Python Package Index.

$ poetry publish