gas-cronsheet-slack icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gas-cronsheet-slack copied to clipboard

Google Apps Script to use spreadsheet for timed posts to Slack

= gas-cronsheet-slack

Google Apps Script that schedules automated posts to Slack using Spreadsheets

== Installation

  1. In the Slack channel where you want to post from the sheet, follow "Add a service integration..." in the menu.
  2. Select "Incoming WebHooks" and create one. Copy the "Webhook URL" and set the value of WEBHOOK_URL variable in app.js to it.
  3. Create a[Google Spreadsheet] with first row contains two cells, "date" and "hour" in this order.
  4. In the sheet, follow the menu "Tools" > "Script editor...". Replace all of the code there with the contents of app.js.
  5. In the script, follow the menu "Resources" > "Current project's triggers". "Add a new trigger" with "Run" of doPost, "Events" "Time-driven", "Hour timer" and "Every hour".
  6. For the first time, follow the menu "Run" > "doPost" to authorize the script to post to Slack.

== Configuration

The 2nd row and below are the configuration for scheduled posts. They are configured as:

|=== | "Date" | "Hour" | Title1 | Title2 | ...

| Date | Hour | Value1 | Value2 | ... | Date | Hour | Value1 | Value2 | ... |===

The script posts the title-value pairs (column C and rightward) when the time matches the date and hour condition. See examples.

=== Date format

The date (column A) can be one of:

  • A date (as spreadsheet recognizes), eg. "2015-08-29".
  • A comma-separated set of day names ("sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat"), eg. "tue" or "sat,sun".
  • "weekday" for a shorthand of "mon,tue,wed,thu,fri".
  • "*" for everyday.

=== Hour format

The hour (column B) can be one of:

  • A comma-separated set of 24-based hours eg. "3" or "13,14,15".
  • "*" for every hour.

== Examples

=== The Sheet


=== The Slack
