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go gRPC encoding wrappers for some useful compression algorithms that are not available in google.golang.org/grpc

Results 3 go-grpc-compression issues
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Hey there! I noticed that this library doesn't use the snappy library from klauspost/compress, but it does import this library for zstd. A cursory look makes it appear to be...

Just a note concerning how this library could be extended to support thread-safe configuration of compression settings. For our project we needed this specifically for Zstd, and I used the...

i notice you replace zstd.Write to zstd.EncodeAll but without performance compare in https://github.com/mostynb/go-grpc-compression/commit/5f2489304fdefc331e2803e6574af3b8c8f4f00a. i implement different type of zstd encoding and benchmark it. 1, zstd-stream. ``` package main import (...