Tensorflow-Keyword-Spotting icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Tensorflow-Keyword-Spotting copied to clipboard

Keyword spotting using various architecture like convolutional vggnet , 1D convolutional network and CTC.

TensorFlow Keyword Spotting

This project used to train a model which will be used to spot a set of specific keywords from input classes list, it used several techniques like wav data augmentation (time shift addition of background noise , speed and stretching of input frequency) with several type of models like baseline Conv , VGGNET and CTC model


You will need python 2.7/3.0 and TensorFlow 1.4

Getting Started

You will need to write a yaml configuration file same as the configs for different models in example_config folder.



  • seed used to randomize input data and input batches also used in the augmentation (randomly select the augmentation technique for each wav and its value)
  • unknown_percentage percentage of unknowns in the training set (keywords that are not in the classes set)
  • silence_percentage percentage of wavs not having a keyword to be spotted just background noise
  • validation_percentage percentage of validation set
  • testing_percentage percentage of test set in case of not using a testing list and having mode = 'test'


used to specify data paths same format of Speech Commands dataset each folder containing a set of wav and the parent folder name specify the keyword , and needs to specify model path tmp directory for logs and the test set path that needs prediction and the background noise folder name.


the keywords that needs to be spotted from the provided dataset any other keywords available in the dataset will be treated as unknown


used to specify sampling rate (of input wav files ), time shift in millisecond , training clips duration in milliseconds , window size milliseconds , window stride milliseconds and finger print type (mfcc,mel and log_mel) and ctc flag to denote using of ctc or not.



  • loss could be crossentropy or ctc for ctc models
  • Optimizedr can be SGD , Adam , Adagrad and Momentum
  • training_steps number of training list as string 1000,2000
  • learning_rate list of learning rate at each starting step from training_step list corresponding for example 0.01,0.001 will train till step 1K with learning 0.01 and from step 1K to 3K using 0.001 learning rate
  • save_eval_step_interval interval of train steps to save a checkpoint and evaluate
  • dropout keep probability dropout
  • batch_size size of training batch
  • rnd_mini_batches True to use random batches as the one used in https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/57b32eabca4597241120cb4aba8308a431853c30/tensorflow/examples/speech_commands/input_data.py#L398 False to ensure iterating over the whole dataset


  • Ops : operations to be used speed and stretch
  • percentage of augmentation for each available class


test to test your models and train to use all data


using speech commands test set data

  • baseline.yml config test accuracy 90.4%
  • vggnet.yml config test accuracy 92.3%


  • Language model for CTC
  • Add Resnet model
