xk6-kafka copied to clipboard
I'm testing your test_sasl_auth.js script with a SCRAM_SHA512 user.
But I have this error:
$ k6 run -v k6-sasl.js
DEBU[0000] Logger format: TEXT
DEBU[0000] k6 version: v0.39.0 ((devel), go1.18.4, linux/amd64)
/\ |‾‾| /‾‾/ /‾‾/
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DEBU[0000] Resolving and reading test 'k6-sasl.js'...
DEBU[0000] Loading... moduleSpecifier="file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js" originalModuleSpecifier=k6-sasl.js
DEBU[0000] 'k6-sasl.js' resolved to 'file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js' and successfully loaded 3996 bytes!
DEBU[0000] Gathering k6 runtime options...
DEBU[0000] Initializing k6 runner for 'k6-sasl.js' (file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js)...
DEBU[0000] Detecting test type for... test_path="file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js"
DEBU[0000] Trying to load as a JS test... test_path="file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js"
DEBU[0001] Babel: Transformed t=675.613151ms
ERRO[0001] ReferenceError: SASL_SCRAM_SHA512 is not defined
at file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js:38:15(58) hint="script exception"
I use your docker image: mostafamoradian/xk6-kafka:latest
Any explanation ?
The script:
This is a k6 test script that imports the xk6-kafka and
tests Kafka with a 200 JSON messages per iteration. It
also uses SASL authentication.
import { check } from "k6";
import { Writer, Reader, Connection, SASL_PLAIN, TLS_1_2 } from "k6/x/kafka"; // import kafka extension
export const options = {
// This is used for testing purposes. For real-world use, you should use your own options:
// https://k6.io/docs/using-k6/k6-options/
scenarios: {
sasl_auth: {
executor: "constant-vus",
vus: 1,
duration: "10s",
gracefulStop: "1s",
const brokers = ["my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.diod-mpms-kafka-test.svc:9092"];
const topic = "bench1";
// SASL config is optional
const saslConfig = {
username: "benchuser",
password: "XXXXXXXX",
// Possible values for the algorithm is:
// NONE (default)
// SASL_SSL (must enable TLS)
algorithm: SASL_SCRAM_SHA512,
// TLS config is optional
const tlsConfig = {
// Enable/disable TLS (default: false)
enableTls: false,
// Skip TLS verification if the certificate is invalid or self-signed (default: false)
insecureSkipTlsVerify: false,
// Possible values:
// TLS_1_0
// TLS_1_1
// TLS_1_2 (default)
// TLS_1_3
minVersion: TLS_1_2,
// Only needed if you have a custom or self-signed certificate and keys
// clientCertPem: "/k6-scripts/benchuser.user.crt",
// clientKeyPem: "/k6-scripts/benchuser.user.key",
// serverCaPem: "/k6-scripts/benchuser.ca.crt",
const offset = 0;
// partition and groupID are mutually exclusive
const partition = 0;
const numPartitions = 1;
const replicationFactor = 1;
const groupID = "benchusergroup";
const writer = new Writer({
brokers: brokers,
topic: topic,
sasl: saslConfig,
tls: tlsConfig,
const reader = new Reader({
brokers: brokers,
topic: topic,
// partition: partition,
groupID: groupID,
offset: offset,
sasl: saslConfig,
tls: tlsConfig,
const connection = new Connection({
address: brokers[0],
sasl: saslConfig,
tls: tlsConfig,
if (__VU == 0) {
topic: topic,
numPartitions: numPartitions,
replicationFactor: replicationFactor,
console.log("Existing topics: ", connection.listTopics(saslConfig, tlsConfig));
export default function () {
for (let index = 0; index < 100; index++) {
let messages = [
key: JSON.stringify({
correlationId: "test-id-abc-" + index,
value: JSON.stringify({
name: "xk6-kafka",
version: "0.2.1",
author: "Mostafa Moradian",
"k6 extension to load test Apache Kafka with support for Avro messages",
index: index,
key: JSON.stringify({
correlationId: "test-id-def-" + index,
value: JSON.stringify({
name: "xk6-kafka",
version: "0.2.1",
author: "Mostafa Moradian",
"k6 extension to load test Apache Kafka with support for Avro messages",
index: index,
writer.produce({ messages: messages });
// Read 10 messages only
let messages = reader.consume({ limit: 10 });
check(messages, {
"10 messages returned": (msgs) => msgs.length == 10,
export function teardown(data) {
if (__VU == 0) {
// Delete the topic
Hey @blezoray,
You need to import the constant at the top:
// import kafka extension and constants
import { Writer, Reader, Connection, SASL_SCRAM_SHA512, TLS_1_2 } from "k6/x/kafka";
I'll close this ticket, but feel free to re-open it if you have other questions.
With this import, it's better:
import { Writer, Reader, Connection, SASL_PLAIN, SASL_SCRAM_SHA512, TLS_1_2 } from "k6/x/kafka"; // import kafka extension
Now, I'm trying to test a listerner with SASL over TLS. I configure the tlsConfig.serverCaPem with the path of my CA file.
// TLS config is optional
const tlsConfig = {
// Enable/disable TLS (default: false)
enableTls: true,
// Skip TLS verification if the certificate is invalid or self-signed (default: false)
insecureSkipTlsVerify: false,
// Possible values:
// TLS_1_0
// TLS_1_1
// TLS_1_2 (default)
// TLS_1_3
minVersion: TLS_1_2,
// Only needed if you have a custom or self-signed certificate and keys
// clientCertPem: "/k6-scripts/benchuser.user.crt",
// clientKeyPem: "/k6-scripts/benchuser.user.key",
serverCaPem: "/k6-scripts/benchuser.ca.crt",
But I have this error:
ERRO[0001] Cannot process TLS config error="File not found: , OriginalError: %!w(*fs.PathError=&{stat 2})"
ERRO[0001] Cannot process TLS config error="File not found: , OriginalError: %!w(*fs.PathError=&{stat 2})"
ERRO[0001] Cannot process TLS config error="File not found: , OriginalError: %!w(*fs.PathError=&{stat 2})"
ERRO[0001] Failed to create dialer., OriginalError: %!w(*fmt.wrapError=&{could not successfully authenticate to my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.diod-mpms-kafka-test.svc:9093 with SASL: SASL handshake failed: EOF 0xc0015d8e00}) error="Failed to create dialer., OriginalError: %!w(*fmt.wrapError=&{could not successfully authenticate to my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.diod-mpms-kafka-test.svc:9093 with SASL: SASL handshake failed: EOF 0xc0015d8e00})"
ERRO[0001] Failed to create dialer., OriginalError: %!w(*fmt.wrapError=&{could not successfully authenticate to my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.diod-mpms-kafka-test.svc:9093 with SASL: SASL handshake failed: EOF 0xc0015d8e00})
at file:///tmp/k6-sasl-tls.js:84:19(124) hint="script exception"
It seems to open 3 files ???
It works fine when I remove the serverCaPem and I set insecureSkipTlsVerify to true.
Any reason ?
You need to provide all three files to be able to test over TLS. Also, if you pass insecureSkipTlsVerify
, it'll completely bypass validation.
But if my listerner does SASL authentication over TLS, I have only the CA. With CA, user cert & key, it is TLS authentication and not SASL authentication.
@blezoray What do you mean? Can you elaborate?
I suppose @oscar067 has managed to make SASL/SSL auth work.
Here, you have an explanation of the difference between TLS 1 way and TLS 2 way. https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/access-management/what-is-mutual-tls/
In your case, when you do SASL over TLS, you establish a TLS 1way session to the server and then SASL challenges the client to be authenticated with its user/password.
When you do TLS 2 ways, your client is authenticated inside the TLS session with its private key/cert and the server doesn't need to do SASL challenge.
Is it clear ?
I was able to make work the SSL TLS 2 way, as @mostafa describe, but is true I did not tried SASL over TLS
export const writerCommsHub = new Writer({
// WriterConfig object
brokers: bootstrap,
topic: kafkaTopic,
tls: {
enableTls: true,
insecureSkipTlsVerify: false,
clientCertPem: "/certs/cert.pem",
clientKeyPem: "/certs/server.key",
serverCaPem: "/certs/Corporate_Root_CA_G3_.cer",
@oscar067 Thanks for letting us know. @blezoray Then this is something I need to investigate more.
Hi @mostafa , I found this video which explains the difference between TLS and SASL over TLS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PmEs8xEz8g
@blezoray Awesome! Thanks for the pointer.
I'll try to see if I can fix it. In the meantime, I'd be happy to see contributions. SASL and TLS are handled in the auth.go
@blezoray Created #169 to fix this issue.
@blezoray Fixed in #170. Feel free to reopen the issue if it problem persists.
Sorry for the delay to answer. I tested SASL auth, SASL auth over TLS, and TLS auth. All works fine. Thanks a lot.