PowershellRecipes copied to clipboard
A set of powershell scripts that are useful or show a reusable technique. There are no dependencies between scripts - each one is standalone and acts upon existing data (ie: MP3/Zip files, cert store, etc.) or configuration created by the script.
ArchiveOldLogs.ps1 - cleans up log folders by moving logs matching a date filter into a monthly archive
AsciiMenu.ps1 - shows an ASCII box menu and allows selecting single or multiple choices
AttachVisualStudioDebuggerToAppPool.ps1 - Attaches a running (as admin) instance of Visual Studio to the DefaultAppPool worker process
CertificateFunctions.ps1 - GetCertThumbprintFromStore gets matching certs and prompts if many match
Choose.ps1 - choose from a list
CopyFileListToClipboard.ps1 - like ctrl-C in Explorer, copies files and metadata to clipboard
CountDownTimer.ps1 - shows a countdown timer 3..2..1 before something happens
DecodeJwtAccessToken.ps1 - decodes Base 64 JWT AccessToken for OAuth
DownloadGitHubRepoZipped.ps1 - Downloads the latest revision of a GitHub repo and saves the zip to desktop
DynamicParameters.ps1 - a minimal example that allows choosing a folder name at the command line
EnablePreview.ps1 - allows the preview window in Windows Explorer to show specified file types as text
FileSystemWatcher.ps1 - Monitors desktop and reports filesystem changes
Forms1.ps1 - Sample Winforms app
GDataClient.ps1 - Performs Oauth 2.0 authorization and authentication/re-auth to get an Oauth access_token, allowing REST API calls
GroupableGrid.ps1 - WPF Grid that allows grouping by a heading
ID3v1-Edit.ps1 - Parse and set ID3v1 tags in the last 128 bytes of a file
IsFederalHoliday.ps1 - Determine if the date supplied is a Federal Observed Holiday
ListWP.ps1 - List Worker Processes
MergedRowsGrid.ps1 - Merge Rows in a WinForms DataGridView if values equal
Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 - settings for the Powershell console at startup
README.md Create - this file
Rot13.ps1 Rot13 'encryption' with inline Switch -Regex
ShellContextMenuVerb.ps1 - Use Windows Shell object to pop up a properties window for a specified file
SpeechSoundboard.ps1 - a simple list of words as buttons that are spoken when clicked
TraySnippets.ps1 - Creates an icon from base64-zipped string to put in system tray, with scriptblocks available from rt-click menu
TimeoutWarning.ps1 - Beeps when screen saver and lockout is about to engage
Write-Columns.ps1 - Displays an array of multi-row strings as newspaper style columns
ZipFunctions.ps1 - Add/Read/Delete files from a .Zip in memory