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A curated list of tools, papers and techniques for Windows exploitation and incident response.
Tactical Lab
A curated list of tools, papers and techniques for Windows exploitation, incident response, and defence.
Created by Mosse Security.
Table of Contents
Tactical Exploitation
Getting In
- Social Engineering
- Phishing
- Man in the Middle
- Web Backdoors
- Malware Prototyping
- Host Reconnaissance
- Network Reconnaissance
- Privilege Escalation
- Persistence
- Lateral Movement
- Mimikatz
- Exfiltration
- Miscellaneous
Getting In
Tactical Response
- Event Logs
- DNS Logs
- Web Logs
- System Survey
- Memory Analysis
- Threat Intelligence
Tactical Defence
- Mimikatz Defence
Tactical Exploitation
Getting In
- The Harvester - Information gathering tool utilizing public sources to gain information on a company/organization
- Generate-Macro - Malicious Microsoft Office doc generator
- Gitrob - GitHub organizations reconnaissance tool, hunts for sensitive data
- THC Hydra - Login bruteforcer
Social Engineering
- The Art of Human Hacking - Guide to social engineering
- Social Engineer Toolkit - Social engineering framework with multiple attack vectors
- Social Engineering Toolkit Guide - How to use the social engineering toolkit
- Beginning with the Social Engineering Toolkit - Guide on using the social engineering toolkit
- Phishing Frenzy - Ruby on Rails Phishing Framework
- PhEmail - Python email phishing automator
- SPF SpeedPhishing Framework - Python tool for quick phishing exercises
- SeeS - Phishing email domain spoofer
Man in the Middle
- Ettercap - Suite of Man-In-The-Middle attacks
- Ettercap Tutorial - How to use ettercap
Web Backdoors
- Weevely3 - Web shell
- QuasiBot - Web shell manager
- PhpSploit - Stealth post-exploitation framework with a focus on privilege escalation
Malware Prototyping
- DBD Durandal's Backdoor - Portable Netcat clone with various features
- Pupy - RAT, uses reflective dll injection on windows platforms
- The Backdoor Factory - Patch binaries with shellcode without affecting binary execution
- Dragon - Listens on a magic port, can be used to download binaries from source IP connecting to the port
- File Joiner - Merges two files into one
- Empire - PowerShell post-exploitation agent
- Veil Evasion - Payload generator with a focus on AV evasion
- Gcat - Backdoor that uses Gmail for C&C
- PowerBreach - Backdoor toolkit
- PowerPick - Powershell functionality without powershell.exe
- Building Better Tools - Information on building penetration testing tools
- Process Hollowing - Method to hide the presence of a process
Autoit Resources:
Windows Firewall
- Enable or Disable the Windows Firewall
- Add or Remove Authorized Applications to the Exclusions list
- Add or Delete Ports from the Exclusions list.
- Enable or Disable the use of Exceptions
- Enable or Disable Notifications of blocked applications
- Enable or Disable Existing Ports
- List all Applications in the Exclusions List
- List all Ports in the Exclusions List
- List Properties of the current Firewall Configuration
- Restore the Windows Firewall to its default configuration
- Create Zip File
- Add file to Zip Archive
- Add folder to Zip Archive
- Add folder's content to Zip Archive
- Extract all files from Zip Archive
- Extract file from Zip Archive
- Count items in zip
- Count All items in the Zip Archive Including SubDirectories
- List items in zip
- Search a File in the Zip Archive
- Search in each File of the Zip Archive
- Catch and print COM errors
- Backup event logs
- Clear event logs
- Open and close event logs
- Count event logs
- Decode data from event logs
- Enable applications to receieve event notifications
- Read event logs
- Write to event logs
Fast multi-client TCP server
- Open and close TCP connections
- Delete keys or values from registry
- Read keys or values from registry
- Import previously exported reg files to registry
- Create a key or value in registry
- Determine each user's Profile folder, the user's SID and if the profile is loaded to the registry
Memory and File Compression
- Decompress input binary data
- Compress input data
Persistent Process Killer V3
- Scan for running processes
- Kill specific processes whenever they're started
- Track and compare running processes over time
- Load or unload registry hives
- Restore or save to registry hive
- Connect to remote registries
- Read registry keys or values
- Create or delete registry keys or values
- Enables or disables special privileges as required by some DllCalls
- Create or delete a service
- Check for service existence
- Retrieve a service's type
- Start or stop a service
- Create or delete a task folder
- Check for task folder existence
- Check for task existence
- Stop or start a task
- Enable or disable a task
- Delete a task
- Check for task status
- List all tasks in a given task folder
- Create or delete a scheduled task
- Create users and groups
- Add or remove users to groups
- Get users or groups
- List domain controllers
- Change passwords
- Create and delete mailboxes
- Enable and disable password expiry
Host Reconnaissance
- Netview - Enumeration tool for shares,sessions,users and more
- Pass Hunt - Search drives for documents containing passwords
- Enum Shares - Enumerates shared folders
- NetRipper - Network traffic sniffer
- File Server Triage - Information regarding file server data pilfering
Network Reconnaissance
- Scanning and Enumeration - Information on reconnaissance techniques
- Hunting for Sensitive Data with Veil - Using veil to data mine file shares
- Post Exploitation Redux - Useful post-exploitation commands
- Lanmap2 - Builds database and visualizations of LAN structure from passively sifted information
- IVRE - Network reconnaissance framework
- Networkenum - Network enumerator that uses the Scapy framework
- NMAP Network Scanning - Modifying NMAP's timings
- PowerView - Powershell tool for network awareness
Privilege Escalation
- All Roads Lead to System - Information on the implications of misconfigured Windows Services
- Encyclopaedia Of Windows Privilege Escalation - Most common privilege escalation techniques up to 2011.
- PowerUp - Powershell privilege escalation tool.
- Group Policy Hijacking - Group policy hijacking example and description
- Using WMI to Build a Backdoor - WMI for malicious use techniques and defences
- Many Ways of Malware Persistence - Various methods of malware persistence
- Triggers as a Windows Persistence Mechanism - Using triggers for malware persistence
- Persistence Wiki - Wiki page on persistence methods
- Practical Persistence with PowerShell - Using powershell for persistence
- Persistence - Powerpreter and Nishang - Using powerpreter and nishang for persistence
- Windows Registry Persistence Part 1 - Windows Registry locations and techniques for persistence part 1
- Windows Registry Persistence Part 2 - Windows Registry locations and techniques for persistence part 2
Lateral Movement
- Veil Catapult - Payload delivery tool
- WMIOps - Using WMI for a variety of local and remote functions
- PAExec - Remote execution tool
- Pivoter - Proxy tool to assist with lateral movement
- VPN Pivoting - Using a VPN pivot
- Making the Lateral Move - Different methods to move laterally in a network
- SprayWMI - SprayWMI is an easy way to get mass shells on systems that support WMI
- Mimikatz - Official Mimikatz source code repository.
- Dumping Passwords - Using mimikatz to dump passwords
- Mimikatz Unofficial Guide - Guide to using mimikatz
- Golden Ticket Walkthrough - Using mimikatz with golden tickets
- Pass the Hash - Passing the hash with mimikatz
- Post Exploitation Operations with Cloud Synchronization Services - Using cloud solutions with post exploitation techniques
- Threat Actors and Stealing Data - Analysis on methods APTs use for data exfiltration
- Firecat - Tool to create reverse TCP tunnels
- Advanced Data Exfiltration - Data exfiltration techniques including through VoIP
- Dnscat2 - DNS tunnel with encryption and a focus on C&C
- Tunna - Tunnels TCP communication over HTTP
- ICMPTX - Tunnels IP over ICMP
- DNSteal - Tunnels data over DNS
- Egress Assess - Tunnel data over FTP, HTTP, HTTPS
- Using Egress Assess- How to use the Egress Assess tool
- Egress Assess and Owning Data Exfiltration - Examples of using the Egress Assess tool
- Exfiltrating Data Via Video - How to exfiltrate data via video
- Network Tunneling Techniques
- Pentesting Procedure - Information on the penetrating testing procedure
- Nishang - Framework which enables the usage of PowerShell for red teaming
- Zarp - Network attack tool
- CrackMapExec - Variety of pentesting functions for Windows/Active Directory environments
- Ostinato - Packet/Traffic generator and analyzer
- Abusing Native Shims for Post Exploitation - How to use native shims for post exploitation tasks
- Meta Post Exploitation - Information about the use of automation and tactical tools post-exploitation
- Information Gathering - Information gathering steps
- Empire Offensive Powershell Part 1 - Guide to using Empire part 1
- Empire Offensive Powershell Part 2 - Guide to using Empire part 2
- Empire Offensive Powershell Part 3 - Guide to using Empire part 3
- Powercat - Netcat: The powershell version
- PSAttack - A portable console aimed at making pentesting with PowerShell a little easier
Tactical Response
Event Logs
- WMI Event Log Collection in Autoit - Script for dealing with event logs in autoit
- Autoit Function Event Log Opening - Script for opening and dealing with event logs in autoit
- Investigating Powershell: Command and Script Logging - How to log and investigate powershell use
- A Forensic Analysis of APT Lateral Movement in Windows - Investigating lateral movement using event logs
- Spotting the Adversary with Windows Event Log Monitoring - NSA paper on monitoring event logs for malicious attacks
- EVTXtract - Tool to recover and reconstruct fragments of EVTX log files from raw binary data, including unallocated space
- Process Forest - Tool to reconstruct the historical process heirarchies from event logs
- Tracking Lateral Movement - Tracking lateral movement using event logs
DNS Logs
- DNS Traffic Monitoring1 - How to identify malicious DNS traffic
- Using Log Correlation Engine to Monitor DNS - Examples and detection of malicious DNS logs
- DNS Traffic Monitoring2 - Defcon presentation on DNS monitoring
- Monitor DNS Traffic & You Just Might Catch A RAT - Looking for RATs in DNS traffic
Web Logs
- Web Server Log Analysis - Locations and information regarding web logs
- Apache Scalp - Scalp! is a log analyzer for the Apache web server that aims to look for security problems
System Survey
- Cheat Sheet
- Identifying Lateral Movement
- Lateral Movement Detection - Event logs and artefacts created when moving laterally in a network
- Monitoring Behaviors on Endpoints - Discovering threats by monitoring endpoint behaviour
- Detecting and Preventing Data Exfiltration - Detecting data exfiltration by analysing various exfiltration methods
Memory Analysis
- Detect Malware with Memory Forensics - Analysis of memory forensic techniques for malware detection
- Hunting Malware with Memory Analysis - Examples of memory analysis techniques
- Introduction to Windows Memory Analysis - Memory analysis guide
- Volatility - Tool for memory analysis
- Volatility Documentation Project - Documentation for the Volatility tool
- Volatility Cheat Sheet
Threat Intelligence
- The Diamond Model of Intrustion Analysis - Exploring the diamond model regarding threat intelligence
- Leveraging Threat Intelligence in Incident Response/Management
- APT Notes - Various public documents, whitepapers and articles about APT campaigns.
- APT Notes Extension - An extension of the work done by @kbandla to collate a repository of public Cyber Security APT Reports.
- DML Model for Threat Intelligence - Exploring the DML model regarding threat intelligence
- F3EAD for Offensive Response - Using the F3EAD model for threat intelligence
Information Feeds
- Threat Intelligence Review
- Emerging Threats Rulesets
- Malware Domains
- Malcode Malware Domains
- Palevo Tracker
- Zeus Tracker
- SSL Blacklist
- Binary Defense
Tactical Defence
Mimikatz Defence
- Defending Against Mimikatz - Information on preventing malicious mimikatz use