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EmscriptenApplication doesn't play well with asyncify

Open mosra opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

Reported by @ShaddyDC. Current workaround is using Sdl2Application instead.

Repro code -- after pressing the button, the value is printed, but Frame isn't anymore after that. WindowFlag::AlwaysRequestAnimationFrame doesn't help.

#include <emscripten.h>

EM_JS(int, get_digest_size, (const char* str), {
  // Note how we return the output of handleSleep() here.
  return Asyncify.handleSleep(function(wakeUp) {
    const text = UTF8ToString(str);
    const encoder = new TextEncoder();
    const data = encoder.encode(text);
    out("ask for digest for " + text);
    window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", data).then(digestValue => {
      out("got digest of length " + digestValue.byteLength);
      // Return the value by sending it to wakeUp(). It will then be returned
      // from handleSleep() on the outside.

void ImGuiExample::drawEvent() {


    Debug{} << "Frame";

    /* Enable text input, if needed */
    if(ImGui::GetIO().WantTextInput && !isTextInputActive())
    else if(!ImGui::GetIO().WantTextInput && isTextInputActive())

        const char* silly = "some silly text";
        static int value = 0;
        ImGui::Text("%s's digest size is: %d\n", silly, value);
            value = get_digest_size(silly);
            Debug{} << value;

    /* Update application cursor */



@Squareys since you were originally implementing the idle loop, do you have any idea what could cause this?

mosra avatar Jul 06 '20 09:07 mosra

It also affects functions like emscripten_wget_data. After an asincify operation, future frames aren't requested anymore and the application freezes. Manually requesting the next frame draw seems to work around it. Code copied from here

    value = get_digest_size(silly);
    Magnum::Debug() << value;

    int (*_callback)(void*);
    _callback = [](void* userData) -> int {
        auto& app = *static_cast<ImGuiExample*>(userData);


        return true;

        /* Animation frame callback */
        var drawEvent = function() {
            var id = window.requestAnimationFrame(drawEvent);

            /* Call our callback via function pointer returning int with two
            int params */
            if(!dynCall('ii', $0, [$1])) {

    }, _callback, this);

ShaddyDC avatar Jul 06 '20 11:07 ShaddyDC