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Boda example
Is there an example? And how can I run it?
probably the first thing to run are the tests. assuming the octave tests are disabled, to run the remaining tests you'll need the pascal VOC 2007 dataset as well as various pre-trained fully-convolutional models. for the pascal data set, no particular setup is required other than to set the appropriate path in the config file. see the instructions in:
in summary, only the following paths in the config file need to be valid for testing (without octave support): boda_output_dir="." pascal_data_dir="/home/moskewcz/bench/VOCdevkit/VOC2007" caffe_dir="/home/moskewcz/git_work/caffe_dev" models_dir="/path/to/models"
for the models, one can train-from-scratch or obtain standard pretrained models for alexnet, nin, googlenet, and so on, and convert them to fully convolutional ones using the 'standard' net-surgery approach using caffe. alternately, boda includes a mode that converts models with FC layers into fully convolutional ones as well. in general, obtaining and preparing such nets is outside the scope of the boda framework, and such nets cannot in general be publicly redistributed. however, i believe all the nets need for the current boda tests happen to be redistributable, but i can't/shouldn't post a public link to my copies here due to bandwidth limitations. email me privately and we can work something out. i did commit at least the .prototxt files used by the tests to the repo, as it's obviously difficult to guess what versions of the various nets i'm using -- especially for those that i've modified for testing. many tests don't require 'valid' model files (i.e. for performance and comparison testing), so it would be possible to create random model files for these nets and still get reasonable test coverage. of course demos that require the nets to be valid wouldn't work in that case.
depending on the version of caffe, type of graphics card, versions of nvidia libraries, the particular model files used, and so on, the numerical results of some tests may differ from the results stored in the repo. however, as long as the results are 'okay' in terms of absolute error, this is acceptable. it's just a deficiency/limitation of the testing framework that manual effort is required to validate results in such cases.
also, due to limitations of the framework, currently all the other paths, even if unused by any to-be-run tests, must be set to some value (i.e. they cannot be ommited, but need not point to valid directories).
now, to actually run the tests, after setup is complete, add boda to the path, make a testing directory, and run the test_all mode there. the results should ideally like this:
moskewcz@maaya:~/git_work/boda/run/tr2$ boda test_all ; date
WARNING: test_cmds: some modes had test commands that failed to initialize. perhaps these modes aren't enabled?
FAILING MODES: oct_featpyra oct_resize run_dfc test_oct
4 49.033s 12.258s test_all_subtest
32 49.027s 1.532s test_cmds_cmd
27 2.584ms 0.095ms diff_command
19 56.747ms 2.986ms read_pascal_image_list_file
2 4.774ms 2.387ms read_results_file
1 0.348ms 0.348ms score_results_for_class
4 0.043ms 0.010ms read_text_file
13 20.624s 1.586s nvrtc_compile
2550 14.235ms 0.005ms cu_launch_and_sync
638 637.069ms 0.998ms caffe_copy_layer_blob_data
1 62.138ms 62.138ms caffe_init
24 16.103s 670.960ms caffe_create_net
428 699.259ms 1.633ms caffe_set_layer_blob_data
737 41.386ms 0.056ms img_copy_to
870 406.546ms 0.467ms subtract_mean_and_copy_img_to_batch
20 156.467ms 7.823ms dense_cnn
677 3.132s 4.627ms caffe_fwd_t::run_fwd
677 2.751s 4.064ms caffe_copy_output_blob_data
588 2.066s 3.514ms sparse_cnn
60 3.143s 52.399ms net_upsamp_cnn
60 83.570ms 1.392ms upsample_2x
60 949.701ms 15.828ms img_upsamp_cnn
69 3.223s 46.723ms conv_pipe_fwd_t::run_fwd
Tue Dec 15 18:19:47 PST 2015
after running the tests, there are a couple of example demo command you can try from the file:
the first and third ones are a good starting place. note that classification demos expect the caffe ilsvrc auxiliary data to have been downloaded and placed in the usual location in the caffe tree (caffe_dir/data/ilsvrc12/synset_words.txt). in general, you should be able to run the similar (but better documented) caffe classification demos before trying to run the boda equivalents -- they have similar requirements in terms of what inputs are needed.
by modifying the command line for any test or demo command, you can change what backend is used for computation among caffe, boda-rtc (opencl), and boda-rtc (cuda). there are various test cases that exercise all three backends. in particular, see the list of full-command tests here:
the tests with names such as 'test_compute_XXX' are good examples of using the various backends and setting the various code-generation/optimization options for the boda-rtc backend.
Some tests are failed mainly with error messages as below:
- MAD FAILS num_mad_fail=1
- syncedmem.cpp:56] Check failed: error == cudaSuccess (2 vs. 0) out of memory I found that the compute capability of your GPU is 5.2, but that of our's is 3.0. So I want to upgrade our GPU. Could you tell me which GPU do you use?
on my dev box i use a: Device 0: "GeForce GTX 980" but a titan-X (desktop) or M40 (server) would be a better choice if possible. however, any nvidia maxwell-based card with 4G+ memory should be reasonable.
kepler cards (like yours) might work as well, and tuning kernels for them might be interesting, but i haven't much explored it. while there are a lot of kepler cards out there, pascal is just around the corner so i'm not sure it makes sense to focus much effort on them -- at least for me personally anyway. i do occasionally run on kepler cards, such at K40s, but not for a while.
assuming your GPU has <4GB of memory, and that that's the problem for the the out-of-memory issues, they might be fixable by decreasing the batch size of the particular tests that fail. or you could perhaps ignore them.
for the MAD FAILS, i'd need to see the full output for the particular failing test to say anything. it's possible that the error is just above the tolerance value for that test, but that nothing's really wrong, or it could be a real bug/error. both are more likely since you're running on kepler instead of maxwell. if you're comparing against caffe, it also would depend on the configuration of caffe and which mode/library it's using for computation.