y2mp3 copied to clipboard
Language change
selectable language function can be added. If you send me the language file I can help with the translation
Thank you, Good idea! Want to help and implement it?
I've just started learning Electron JS. When I saw your project, I gave up. I am a software developer and I have skills in html js php .net. I would like to help you learn Electron
Why you gave up? Also, I'm curious, how did you find this project?
You really designed it. it only gives a security warning when installing the software (Win10). Design changes can help
it makes more sense to help and develop the car's engine rather than re-design it when someone has designed it
Yah, I'm not a designer :) I'm appreciating any feedback you have and if you want to contribute to this project, I'll glad to help you with that.
Of course I would like to contribute. I want to learn both electron :)
Great! So you want to try to take and work on this issue?
yes but I have basic knowledge of electron js
No rush. You can give a shot. Review the code, if you have questions, let me know.
What are you trying to do?
To run it locally: npm start
(or yarn start
To build the app locally: npm run build
(or yarn build
thanks :) I am also experimenting with language file
Great! Let me know how it goes.
0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose cli [ 1 verbose cli 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe', 1 verbose cli 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js', 1 verbose cli 'run', 1 verbose cli 'build' 1 verbose cli ] 2 info using [email protected] 3 info using [email protected] 4 verbose run-script [ 'prebuild', 'build', 'postbuild' ] 5 info lifecycle [email protected]~prebuild: [email protected] 6 info lifecycle [email protected]~build: [email protected] 7 verbose lifecycle [email protected]~build: unsafe-perm in lifecycle true 8 verbose lifecycle [email protected]~build: PATH: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\node-gyp-bin;C:\electron\y2mp3\node_modules\.bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\xampp\php;C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Users\oguzs\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;;C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2019.1.1\bin;;C:\Users\oguzs\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin;C:\Users\oguzs\AppData\Roaming\npm 9 verbose lifecycle [email protected]~build: CWD: C:\electron\y2mp3 10 silly lifecycle [email protected]~build: Args: [ 10 silly lifecycle '/d /s /c', 10 silly lifecycle 'npm run generate-icons && tsc && webpack --config webpack.prod.js' 10 silly lifecycle ] 11 silly lifecycle [email protected]~build: Returned: code: 2 signal: null 12 info lifecycle [email protected]~build: Failed to exec build script 13 verbose stack Error: [email protected] build:
npm run generate-icons && tsc && webpack --config webpack.prod.js13 verbose stack Exit status 2 13 verbose stack at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\index.js:332:16) 13 verbose stack at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:210:5) 13 verbose stack at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\lib\spawn.js:55:14) 13 verbose stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:210:5) 13 verbose stack at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1021:16) 13 verbose stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:283:5) 14 verbose pkgid [email protected] 15 verbose cwd C:\electron\y2mp3 16 verbose Windows_NT 10.0.18362 17 verbose argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "run" "build" 18 verbose node v12.13.1 19 verbose npm v6.12.1 20 error code ELIFECYCLE 21 error errno 2 22 error [email protected] build:
npm run generate-icons && tsc && webpack --config webpack.prod.js`
22 error Exit status 2
23 error Failed at the [email protected] build script.
23 error This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
24 verbose exit [ 2, true ]
What is that?
npm run build